chapter two

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Prime walked to the entrance of the house holding a glass of scotch in her hand as the door opened revealing Klaus who looked like he had the worst day of his life

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Prime walked to the entrance of the house holding a glass of scotch in her hand as the door opened revealing Klaus who looked like he had the worst day of his life.

"Welcome home, Klaus"

His head shot up at her voice and waved his arms," Primeeeeeeeeyy~ My favourite sister"

He sang as he wrapped his arms around his sister. She ended up scrunching her nose," You smell like shit Klaus"

He pulled back dramatically and put a hand on his heart," How could you be so mean?"

"Because it's the truth, go and take a bath" She rolled her eyes and shoved him away. She watched him skip away singing and once he was gone, she frowned. She knew Klaus was under the influence of drugs—to keep away the dead. But she had hoped he was sober to ask him if he could see Ben. She missed him terribly and Klaus was her only hope to talk to him.

Prime hissed and lifted her glass gulping down the scotch and walked over to see Grace sitting in front of the fire in a daze. Prime studied her before she called out to her but Grace didn't respond—Prime bobbed her head, assuming she was probably reprogramming her system in the right order since Prime just turned back on the first-aid switch.

Prime moved and stood behind the bar and she saw Diego walking up from the Kitchen and looking at their mother. It was silent for a moment before the siblings heard the door open and saw Vanya walking in, she hadn't seen them since she called out for Grace.

"Vanya? You're actually here!" Allison said walking down the stairs.

Prime walked out of the living room in view," Welcome home sis" She said as Vanya turned to her sisters.

"Hey Allison, Hi P"

Prime waved as Allison walked closer chuckling and went silent. Prime looked at Allison as she leaned over smiling and hugged Vanya who returned it awkwardly.

Diego walked out seeing Vanya and frowned immediately," Ah, what is she doing here? You don't belong here, not after what you did"

"Diego shut your mouth before I burn you" Prime seethed as he scoffed, but it didn't go unnoticed that he flinched slightly at her words.

"You're seriously gonna do this today?" Allison replied," Way to dress for the occasion, by the way!" She shouted to him.

"At least I'm wearing black," He said walking up the stairs.

"If you don't shut that trap of yours, you'll be wearing my fire" Prime yelled angrily as he just walked away.

"You know what? -Maybe he's right-And I shouldn't-". Vanya furrowed her brows.

"Forget about him," Allison and Prime said in unison.

"I'm glad you're here," Allison nodded.

Prime raised a brow and stepped in," We are glad you're here" She corrected her sister with my arms crossed.

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now