Chapter 6 Facebook status

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James, Jaiden and Shannon started to head back. "Brb" said Shannon who then ran off. James and Jaiden kept walking. James heard tapping coming from a room next to them. There was a small window looking into that room so they looked threw it. Shannon was in there pacing up and down texting on here phone. "The hell is she doing?!" said James angrily. At that moment someone else entered the room. A figure wearing a mask walked in. Shannon nervously looked up. "Hi" said Shannon nervously. The figure pulled out a knife and stabbed Shannon in the stomach. Shannon fell onto her knees and dropped her phone. "No.. not like this.... Splenda *bloody cough* .... im sorry," said Shannon as a tear ran down her face. James and Jaiden kicked down the door and ran in. But by then the figure had run away. There was a story time animator badge that James had given out in the last years summer lying on the floor. "Betrayal thought James. James went over to Jaiden and Shannon. Shannon was lying on her side on the floor there were small streams of blood dribbling out of her mouth.. "James..." She said. "Update my face book status for me"... She handed her phone to James with a bloody hand . "And Jaiden" She said... "Have my brussle sprouts". Jaiden was annoyed. Shannon. Closed here eyes and faded away. James and Jaiden looked at each other. "We have to stop this murderer" said James. James looked down at where Shannon was. All that's left are her bloody clothes. "James" said Jaiden. "Yeah." Said James
I'll always be there for you" said Jaiden. "Thanks" Said James with a tear in his eye. They hugged . "Come on let's go tell the others" said Jaiden.

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