prologue : The Disease

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"Run!" screamed James. The strangers were turning the corner, as James, Damian, and Brooke sprinted down the street towards the super market. The stranger in the lead had his lower jaw hanging down broken as if he was a pez toy but he was trying to eat the kids instead of the kids eating him. Damian suddenly let out a yelp as he rolled his ankle, and went down hard on the cement."over here!" yelled a frightened voice from across the street. James turned his head towards the voice and without hesitation started running towards the the source of the voice.

Suddenly a stranger came barreling out of a near by house and grabbed at Brooke.

"NO!" Brooke heard James yell a fierce war cry and tackle the stranger. "Brooke run!" yelled James. Brooke looked where they last heard the voice and saw a girl about 15 years old with dark black hair standing in the doorway of an old house. Brooke grabbed James who was bloodied by the fight with the stranger, and ran towards the girl in the doorway only barely glimpsing the mob of strangers that was chasing them. As soon as they got in the house the girl slammed the door shut

"Thank you." said Brooke because James was unconscious and loosing a lot of blood. "I'm   Olivia. I think i have a first aid kit in the bath room..." Said the girl

Brooke wasn't paying any attention to  Olivia because she thought she had lost James. She never told anyone because it was kinda silly but she had had a crush on him since she first met him, and she never got to tell him. She started to sob into his shoulder ignoring the fact that her hair was getting bloody. Than with a jolt James sat up really fast and started to cry, witch made Brooke cry even harder. She hugged him fiercely and he hugged her right back. "Um i got the first aid kit." said Olivia who was silently watching from the other side of the room.

"We don't have time, we have to get back to the others." Stated James. James started to get up but than fell back down again because his legs gave out under him. "James... were gonna have to stay here for a while but as soon as you recover we can leave." Said Brooke."Do you guys want anything? Like some water? Anything?" Said Olivia.         

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