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Warning: has homophobia in this story and has some offensive words against same sexuality, it may be triggering so if you don't wish to be triggered by this then this might not be the story for you. I want everyone to be happy. Might be alittle angsty.

Damien knew for a long time that he wasn't straight, that he wasn't attracted to women, but men. At a young age, around nine, he didn't put to much thought into it, he was more worried about friends and playing.  But around the age of 13, him and his friends just hit puberty, he noticed His friends would just talk about girls and how they were beautiful and talk about very inappropriate things about them. But when it came to Damien, he didn't see the appeal, or what was attractive about them. It wasn't a big deal, until he finally started getting attracted, but it wasn't women he was attracted to, but men. 

This made him confused, his friends were not attracted to boys so why was he. He needed an explanation so he thought it was best to ask his father. He thought he could trust him with this. 

One night when his father's friend came over along with his son, named William, who just so happens to be his best friend in the hole world. They had known each Other since they were babies and were inseparable ever since.

While they were listening to their fathers speak he thought it would be a good time to ask. He waited politely for his turn and when it was he asked the simple question. "Father what does it mean when you're attracted to guys?"

The room became silent, except for the sound of his father's pipe hitting the floor. He stared at his son almost in anger, as the room continued to be silent. "Where in God's  name did a question like that come from?" He basicly growled scarring the young boy.

"Uh-uh some k-kids were talking about it in school." He lied, cowering slightly, feeling as William held his shoulder.

"Heh you think that they would keep stuff like that from school." Willaims father scuffed, toying with his mustache that layed upon his face.

"You would think." He agreed shaking his head. "That is called homosexuality son. It is where a person is attracted to their own sex."

He looked at the disgust in his father's eyes and shrank down as he asked the next question. "Is that... bad?"

"Bad? it's unholy thats what it is!" His father snapped as he picked up his pipe. 

"Indeed." Williams father shook his head in agreement. "One time a fairy, came up to me trying to swoon me, so I knocked him in the jaw." He said holding his fist up.

Damien backed up out of nervousness. Was this really looked down upon?

"You boys stay clear of people like that." Damien's father leaned in. "If there is so much as one person who is slightly attracted to their own sex, do. Not. Talk. To. Them."

"Yes sir." William said, standing straight.

"Y-yes father." Damien stuttered, his heart in shatters.

He never asked his father that ever again, keeping his sexuality secret from every one, except his twin sister, Celine, who was very supportive.

It was a heavily guarded secret, That was until the year of 1932 when his best friend William found out, after having several drinks it accidentally slipped out. 

Damien only felt fear and shame, thinking his friend would be disgusted and shun him out. Only to find his friend was supportive. 

"My dear friend." He laughed wrapping his arm around his neck. "My father and your father might be the judgemental ones, but I'm not. I don't have the same life style sure but that doesn't change a bond between best friends."

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