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Waiting in the terminal for my bags to arrive was always the worst part, thankfully they arrived pretty quickly. One sports bag and one hiking bag that contained everything I needed to travel with for the last six years. It's amazing how you can live without the necessities of life as long as you have the little luxuries. While I was in Rome I stayed in a cheap hostel but I got to hang out with some girls and ended up going to a club for the night. Easily one of the best times I had there. Now I had so many people around the world to talk to. I hope one day I cross with them again, connections like those can last forever.

'All set?' asked a familiar voice. Gabriel stood behind me with a small suitcase beside him. 'Need a hand?'

'That would be cool for a minute, I just have to pick up my boy.'

'I still have no idea what you mean by that, if it's not your son that is.'

'You'll see.'

Near the conveyor belt where my bags were stood a few airport workers with animals in cages by them. You could see a cat, a dog and even a secure cage of birds. At the end of the line of animal's was a large wooden crate. You couldn't see inside it and the wood was well kept pine and light in colour. A crowd had gathered nearby to see what was inside. If you have a small cat and dog next to a crate bigger than a person it was draw a crowd.

When I stepped out of the crowd the crate jolted a little, he was so excited to get out and see me. 'Hey, that's my crate there,' I told the worker.


'Rose, just Rose.'

'Yup, can I see your ticket?' I showed him what he needed. 'Alright, open it.'

Before the lock was even opened the sound of scratching against the wood tore through the area. Even a whimper from inside could be heard. Aww my poor boy hates being couped up for so long. People began to chat and wonder what was inside, their looks of worry and wonder as the scraping free louder and louder.

'Oh wait!' I said while I quickly put my bags next to Gabriel, he looked confused as well. The scratching and whimpering grew. 'Just a second boy!' I shouted. I crouched down near the crate and held my arms out to catch an embrace. 'Now!' I smiled, as giddy as I was about the whole thing.

They opened the latch and in a split second the door flew open. A grey and white blur shot across the ground. A set of golden eyes staring me down. The tackle was powerful, knocking me onto the ground as I felt the weight fall on top of me. The mouth full of sharp white teeth opened wide and I felt the tongue inside smother my face in drool. People were stunned as I laughed hysterically at the situation.

'Down boy!' I said, but he didn't listen. Instead he lay down across my legs to keep me from getting up. He watched me while heavily breathing with a smile. 'You dafty,' I told him while giving his ear a scratch. Omega isn't just a simple dog, he is a wolf, and my oldest and bestest friend. He never leaves my side and is always there when I need comfort. When I got up he jumped to his feet and pounced around a little. He wanted to play so badly but we couldn't just now.

'Am I all set?' I asked the workers.

'Yeah! That's a wolf!'

'I know, ain't he adorable?' I smiled. 'Let's go boy.'

Before we could escape the area, people tried to get in for a closer look at him. A wee girl wandered right up to Omega and gave him a pat on the nose. I could see her parents trying to get her to come back but Omega was already licking her hand and giving her face a sniff. She giggled as he sneezed away from her. I took the chance to put his collar back around his neck, it's like trying to hug a bear.

HELL BOUND - Wild WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now