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The fires were everywhere. Factory in flames as we all lay on the street. The explosion came out of nowhere and I was right next to it. My ears were ringing as I looked around the street. Vision blurry as I blinked my eyes clear. Everything hurt from hitting the ground. I couldn't get up.

I saw my family. On the ground in front of me. Owen. Sebastian. Shaundi. Mum. We were heading home when it happened.

Dark figures walked through us. One grabbed my mum, slit her throat with a knife, and dropped her to the ground.

Another carried a sword, he stabbed it through Shaundi as she held up her hands in defence.

Owen tried to stand, making a reach for his gun. But he was cut down by someone I recognised. The Hand of Angelo.

On the ground, Sebastian tried to sit up, his left arm cut up from the metal that hit him from the explosion. He looked at me, I saw his eyes and he saw mine.

A figure stood behind him and as he looked up, a hand grabbed him by the throat and lifted him from the ground. I watched as he struggled to hit the giant and break free. But all that happened next was the snap of Sebastian's neck.

The giant approached me next. Covered in a black demonic armour that look like some shit Sauron would wear. He carried a large double ended blade on his back and he took it out, holding the tip of it to my chest. I just sat there, I knew I wasn't going to win. Instead I just lit myself a cigarette.

'Who the fuck are you?' I asked the giant.

'I am... inevitable.'



It was just me and William left to defend the Sanctuary. All the others were gone. Dead. Our home in ruin and our enemy knocking at our door.

'We must protect the chamber,' said William. It would be tricky for him now that his left arm was gone and so was his left eye.

As for me. I was literally on my last leg, strange since it still felt like it was there. All I had was my cane to balance me.

'I thought she killed him!' I said gritting my teeth.

'She did, seems he's stubborn.'

'What will he do with the Kao Sai?'

'Undo a mistake.'

'What mistake?'

'His own.'

The door started to break. We were the last line of defence. I summoned Falcon to my side. If he got past us. It would be the end of us.

'Another time then?' I asked with a smile.

'Let's hope it goes better for us there,' William smiled back.

The door was ready to give.

'You better fix this, Kara,' I said. 'Otherwise, we'll all be truly fucked.'

The door burst open. A wave of demons ran in after us. Falcon flew forward, electricity bursting from his wings. William cast ice on the ground, bursting into spikes that pierced through the demons.

In the distance... I saw HIM.



How did they get in? Was it just an endless wave of demons that cleared their path towards us? It must have been.

The Council Chamber was flooded with them, all of us were restrained with giant demons behind us. Holding our hands behind our backs.

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