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Last night had to have been the best sleep I've ever had. After all that went on I needed to pass out for a bit. Sure, I woke up in time to get ready for my first day of work, and it was early. But I was feeling better after chatting with Billie, she always knew how to cheer me up. Even at the worst of times.

In the kitchen, I managed to best Billie this time, and made breakfast for the lot of us. Just some simple stuff to keep us going for the day. I think Billie noticed I was in a good mood, when you play Fleetwood Mac in the background while cooking it can be a bit obvious.

'Why is she so happy?' Kate asked.

'I'll tell you later,' Billie smiled.

And I'm sure they'll have a lovely conversation about it. As for me, I needed to get to work. 'Bye all!' I waved as I left the kitchen.

'Good luck!' Kate shouted.

'Later girl!' Billie shouted.

Getting to work didn't take long, I flew obviously, and landed in some empty streets near the building. While in Rose mode, I had my hair tied up and wore my glasses, my hair was also back to brown. The clothes I wore was a women's black suit with a red shirt, smart and professional for my first day of work. Was I nervous about it, of course. Was I sure I could face Gabriel after last night, I was hoping so. Won't know until I try.

To my surprise, Olivia was waiting for me at the reception. She looked her usual no nonsense self.

'Morning,' I said.

'Morning, your early,' she said. 'That's a good start to your first day.'

'Thank you, my mum beat it into my mind that early is on time and on time is late.'

'A good lesson. Follow me, Gabriel is waiting.'

'He's here already?' I asked as I followed her.

'He lives here.' She handed me a keycard with a good print on the front of it. 'This is your keycard for Gabriel's personal life. Being his assistant, you need to get around the building as quickly as he can.'

'Got it,' I said putting the keycard in my jacket. Olivia used her own and took us up to Gabriel's office floor.

'You must have done something good for Gabriel to hire you without an interview.'

'I was surprised when he asked. I thought he was just being friendly, work wasn't something we talked about.'

'Either way, you must be special. Any other time and you would have had to wait in line with about twenty other people applying for the same job.'

'Maybe it was lucky of me then.'

'You may be friends with Gabriel but don't get too close to him, that's always a bad idea.'

'Close in what sense?'

'He's a handsome man isn't he?' she smiled. Ah, maybe she had a thing for him. Better put her mind at ease.

'Olivia? Do you know what I like about guys?'


'Their girlfriends.' 

'Oh! Your-'

'Into girls? Yes, so if your worried about me trying to get with Gabriel, you don't need to worry.' I must have sounded so smug right now, but if she was going to be serious all the time then I would rather be on the same page as her. The rest of the lift journey was rather quiet though, until I broke the silence.

'How long have you worked for Gabriel?'

'Five years now. It's a rewarding job.'

'That's good, as long as you enjoy it.'

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