Trapped in a Jar

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Kate's POV (right before Bella falls and after)

I was asleep in bed when I started to hear tiny voices. I felt something fall on my face. I bolt upright in bed, scared if it was the mouse I heard in the living room earlier today. I started to look around in the bed for whatever hit my face. Then I saw a small figure on the pillow that was unconscious.

I turned on the light to get a better look and what I saw utterly shocked me. I moved closer to it. It looked like a doll, but it was breathing, a girl laying on my pillow. I grabbed a jar from the shelf and tipped out the pencils in it. I picked up the doll like creature and I felt her breathing in my hand. It scared me, I then quickly, but gently put the tiny girl in the glass jar.

I went to the living room with the jar in my hands and put the jar on the square white table in the center of the room. I sat on the couch staring at the jar with the girl laying in it. I was thinking how did she get in here? How did she get that small?. I then went to the bathroom to change into my clothes and brush my hair.

Alec's POV (as the giantess takes Bella away)

I saw the giantess put my little sister in a clear glass jar and walk away. I went to the secret passageway in the bedroom, to the floorboards. I couldn't risk the being seeing me too, I'll wait until the giantess is sleeping to save my sister. "I just hope she can stay alive until then" I mumbled to myself.

Bella's POV (right before she falls)

I was looking at the giantess when Alec asks "What the hell are you doing". I turn my head with shocked eyes. I tried to stand up, but when I did I trip. I start to fall. Alec tries to grab me, but it was to late, I fell down screaming and flailing. Then I hit something and black out.

(When Bella wakes up in a jar)

When I start to wake up I felt a hard, smooth, and cold surface beneath me, my body was laying on. I open my eyes, see I'm in a circular container. I get up slowly and realize I'm in a jar. I start to remember the events that happened before I woke up. I start to panic and bang on the walls of my glass prison.

I then start to jump in hopes I could reach the lid and push it off, but couldn't. I pushed on the walls, no luck. I see there is no way out of here, so I then sit on my legs in the middle of jar and put my head in my hands. I then begin whimpering and cry.

Kate's POV

I get done brushing my hair and putting on clothes. I head back downstairs and I  stopped dead in my tracks before I reach the last step. The tiny girl was crying. She then notices my presence and looks my way. My heart shatters when I saw fear in her eyes as they widen, looking at me.

I walk over there and when I get to the table, she lets out a piercing scream and scoots back to the opposite side of the jar kicking her legs for a moment. "Wait don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" I said and smiled softly to calm her down. She looks up at me, while her back was pressed against the jars wall. I sit down on the couch to not appear towering over the small girl.

Bella's POV (when Kate comes back)

I was crying softly until I felt someone watching me. When I see the giantess I get scared and my eyes widen in fear of what she will do to me. When suddenly she started to come this way, I screamed and scooted back opposite of her. "Wait don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" said the giantess. I looked up at her and she smiled softly.

I timidly walked in the middle of the jar and stared up at her. Her smile brightened, "do you want out of the jar, I'm sorry I put you in there" she said "I just wanted to know if you were okay and I didn't won't you to leave because I didn't want you to get more hurt, getting off the table". I was confused when she wanted to see if I was okay, Alec always told me beings were evil and wanted to hurt us. I was nervous when she said the last sentence about me not going anywhere. I was skeptical at first, but then slowly walked forward and touched the wall in front of me. I shook my head yes.

The giantess smiled and said ok.
She twisted the lid and it opened with a *pop* sound. She tipped the jar slowly, while I kept my balance until the jar was sideways. I slowly half crouched walked out of the jar, while I kept my eyes on her seeing she was looking at me also. I stood up all the way, when I was out of the jar.

She went to pick up the jar, but when I shrieked and jumped, she stopped immediately and put her hand back down. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you" the giantess said "oh where are my manners" she smiled with a blush on her cheeks. "My name is Kate, uh can you speak little one" the giantess name Kate said. I nodded my head "yes and my name is Bella" I said. "Well nice to meet you Bella and are you ok from the fall". I almost forget about that, when I was being scared by Kate. "Oh I'm fine just a little sore" I said.

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