a short writing, dedicated to the moon.
and every night is the same,
laying in bed my eyes searching the ceiling for something different
thinking of how much it'd be lovely to be asleep at this hour.
but my mind is still wandering, searching my mind for another thought to keep me up a little longer.
but when the moon's brightness glints through the translucent curtain covering the window, my thoughts seem to disappear for a short while.
maybe because a sight seen so rarely takes my breath away, or because it distracts me.
it's beauty seems to mesmorize me each and every time it visits through my curtain lighting my room a silver only seen on expensive jewelry.
the moon at this time seems to be a company well worth the wait.
4 a.m
PoesiaThe malicious or beautiful, life saving or life ending thoughts that may go through someone's head a 4 a.m. all rights go to Corrupt-youth ©