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i remember in year 6 we had to write about things we thought were beautiful and i wrote fog and pretty flowers and my teacher said something along the lines of "fog, huh, that's interesting most people find it mysterious and scary but you, you're different," she then asked me to describe why i thought fog was beautiful and being the nervous 12 year old i was, i shrugged.

i believe i know why i think it's so beautiful now.


Fog is caused by air cooling to dewpoint where it then becomes fog.

Something gets broken down so much and still ends up beautiful.


When you run through fog you everything around you become invisible almost.

That's what it's like to be broken, all you can feel is your lungs filing up with smoke and your hands becoming shakier.

Your breathing becomes heavier but you know all you have too do is keep running forward and you'll come out the other end fine.

But for a few seconds you think to yourself, "i might not make it out,"

But you do, you keep running.

That's all you have to do keep running, don't give up because everything's more beautiful when you get out.

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