It had been untold months since Amelia felt relaxed and secure. The cloud that engulfed her body, was warm and soothing. Sleep felt so inviting, she refused to awaken. The human female stretched her arms and buried her head under the warm, 'furry?', blanket's. She let out a surprised sound and scrambled to push the unknown object away, in favor of sitting up. Instantly, she noticed her abdomen felt, different.
"What did you do, to me?" Amelia was shocked to find her injuries, had been dressed in clean bandages. Much of her torso and shoulders had been carefully wrapped in cloth to keep dirt out. Nothing answered the girls surprise question. "Then... You know." She whispered, after the shock of the moment, had passed. The female's eyes fell into her own lap, shamefully. 'At least she had a blanket.' Her mind clung to what threads of dignity, she could find.
"Wraith are governed, d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t-l-y, then humans. Many ruling Queen's, a-l-l-o-w-s... For far too many rule's, that g-o-v-e-r-n, our behavior." Amelia listened to the tone-full purr, but she didn't look to up, to see the creature approach her, slowly.
The human continued to wallow in her shame so deeply. Amelia hardly noticed, she had been resting in a bed, large enough for two Wraith. "You must forgive the, i-n-s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-i-t-y..." The creature knelt on the soft surface, causing the female to shy away fearfully. "Did y-o-u... Give him, cause t..." The Wraiths inquiry stopped abruptly when the female swung wildly in his direction.
"Son of a..." Amelia burst into tears. She was unable to complete her insult, when the Wraith caught her arm mid-swing. The broken human tried to push the beast away, fruitlessly. He then raised her right arm above her head and stared curiously, at the emotionally distraught female.
The Wraith continued to hold the female in his curious grasp, while she pushed against his unyielding chest. Her free hand continued to slam painlessly against the thick black leather, until she no longer had the strength to retract it. "There is no forgiveness. For any Wraith." She whimpered painfully, her ability to fight, completely exhausted.
"T-h-a-t, is a shame." The Wraith released his grip, and Amelia cowered from his close proximity. "I b-e-l-i-e-v-e-d, you contained the, p-o-t-e-n-t-i-a-l, to make a, l-o-y-a-l, companion." The Elder sat back with a tone-full huff. She didn't respond to his last statement and her reluctance started to grate his nerves. "This is going to be more, d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t, then I, a-n-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-e-d." He continued to groan tone-fully, as he watched the female's movements closely.
"Tricking me into compliance, is still..." Amelia continued to capture her rage, leaving her accusations incomplete. She didn't know what to make of this creature's strange behavior. Seduction wasn't at the top of her, 'known Wraith skills list', but after her experience with Scarface. The human refused to discount any possibility, when it came to Wraith behavior.
"You should, c-h-o-i-c-e, your battle's, more w-i-s-e-l-y, human. Before you make an, e-n-e-m-y, out of me!" She could feel the soft surface shift, as the Elder retreated from her position. The proceeding foot steppes lessened, then moved a crossed the room. "I can only p-r-o-t-e-c-t you, i-i-f-f, you c-h-o-o-s-e, to allow it."
The Wraiths claim caused Amelia to look in his direction. His back was toward her position in the room and he didn't wait for a verbal response, before he continued out of sight. The creature then appeared randomly, every few minutes, when he passed by the threshold, to what had to be 'his bedroom?'
Utter confusion set in, when Amelia finally realized, she had been tucked securely into the middle of the Wraith's bed. 'This was all too confusing.' Her mind was flooded with strange thoughts and sensations. 'If he didn't want, that. What exactly did the Wraith mean, by loyal companion?' Amelia looked over, her carefully tended injuries and sighed heavily.
Lost and Alone: The Torres Chronicles
FanfictionMany people have come and gone from the Stargate program over the years, Amelia Torres was one of them. She had been military member of the Atlantis program, since the cities return to Pegasus, over two years ago. One routine, yet...