5th Chapter: Healing

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The Elder's lecture on proper posture seemed endless. 'Stand strait, carry yourself with dignity. Every step you take must demand respect.' The Wraith followed Amelia as she paced back and forth a crossed the room, practicing. He would grip her shoulders, occasionally. Causing her back to straighten, every time she slouched. The Wraiths innocuous plan seemed to be working. The more time they spent, physically close to one another, the more the tension between them, dissipated.

Most of the instructions the Wraith gave where about presentation and pride. The Elder's Concubine was not a worshiper. Amelia was to hold her head high, while avoiding direct eye contact with another male Wraith. 'A look, could give the wrong the impression. She should avoid that, eventuality.' The beast warned several times.

Any human she had contact with was to be looked down upon. The lost human's status among Wraith, had been elevated above, all other humans. Despite the marshmallow's claim, in this outpost, the Elder's Concubine should demand the same respect as the High Commander's human pets. 'You are a treasure and I will have you present yourself accordingly.' The creature's generous words and increasingly calm nature caused Amelia to return his curious expressions with a reluctantly accepting grin.

"What was that?" The high-pitched chiming sound startled the human and caused the Wraith to sneer pleasurably.

"Your food, has arrived." The Elder shrugged, maintaining his pleased expression.

"You know, before looking?" Amelia questioned the beast, as he turned toward the outer threshold. 'Why am I asking a telepath?' She kept the silliness of the inquiry, to herself. Then when the Wraith opened the outer door, she quickly ducked behind the inner wall.

The nearly naked female peered out from the shadows to see another large leather-bound beast on the other side. It was easy to identify the Drones; when their faces were hidden behind deformed mask's. The Drone held something in his hands, the Elder took without verbal confirmation.

Amelia caught a whiff of the new smell before she witnessed the beast take the tray to a nearby table. The scent was warm and caused a gurgling sound to stir in the human's bowls uncontrollably. She watched him closely when he set the tray down on the large central table. The flat mushroomed surface was grown right out of the floor, from a thick single stem. A permanent fixture located in the outer chamber.

"Mental confirmation, of his arrival, was given. Drone's do not speak, verbally. Once I have marked you, a-c-c-o-r-d-i-n-g-l-y. They will accept verbal commands from you, as well. Be, w-a-r-y, in your contact with them. Since all commands are shared with the High-Commander." The Elder Wraith turned to face the cowering female with a small grin. "Come. Perhaps you will find something, h-e-r-e, appealing?" The beast stepped aside to reveal a tray of assorted food items.

The smell was coming from a wooden bowl. The female could see the steam rising, as she slowly moved closer to the table. More fruit sat regretfully next to it. However, it was the bread that drew her attention next. 'Bread meant they had Bakers. Humans that lived long enough to learn a useful skill.' The crust was stiff yet soft, and it was warm when she picked it up.

"Y-o-u, a-p-p-r-o-v-e?" The beast questioned tone-fully, when the human seemed to enjoy her first taste of the offered meal.

"Bread..." She glanced at the Elder with an astonished expression. The Wraith nodded slightly in return.

"After the gathering tomorrow, you will be able to choose your own meals." The creature responded in soothing tones.

"Bread is, one of the best things. For an upset stomach. Thank you." The female's voice echoed softly as she started to devour the soft wheat filled item. 'Multigrain.' Her mind groaned pleasurably.

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