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Amelia Torres was a rare blue eyed brunette, that caught the eye of her captor, the instant her eye's opened. The small human female was horrified, when she awoke to a large male Wraith hovering greedily over her naked flesh.

The imposing male looked old and war-torn. His broad shoulders were bound in black leather, all the way down to his thick combat soled boots. He had short white hair and a single slashing scar over his right eye.

The first fight-filled impulse, the terrified human experienced, ended badly. Amelia quickly learned, she didn't have the physical strength to fend off her captor. The Wraith easily pinned her exposed flesh, with one hand. Her back was pushed against the tables hard surface, fueling her struggle.

"Get off me!" The females screams seemed to fall on deaf ears. The Wraiths grip was painful, but it was his demeanor that caused Amelia, to physically freeze in terror. The creature prowled over her exposed curves like a lustful beast.  He then took in humans scent like a triumphant predator.

"S-e-n-d, this one, to the Mines." The Wraiths sinister purr made Amelia's skin crawl. The subdued female glanced around the organically structured room. The pinkish skin-like wall's reminded her of the internal structure of a lung. She had been captured by Wraith, that much was apparent. Where they had taken her after the culling was unknown. This room had no windows or portholes available, to glimpse the outside world.

"This one is healthy, and uninjured. Wouldn't she would make a better Concubine, my Lord?" The feminine voice came from Amelia's right. It was a young girl, dressed in strange clothes. She responded to the Wraith's request, cautiously.

"Do as I command.Or I will have, y-o-u, sent to the Mines, with her." The Wraiths tone was aggressive, as he released his hold on subdued female.

"Don't I..." Amelia tried to interrupt the conversation. Not only did she want a voice in what might happen to her next. But she also thought it was odd, no one questioned her origin. Someone had stripped her of her uniform. 'Perhaps it was a good thing, if they didn't know what all those patches meant.' Unfortunately, any inquires the captive female had, dissipated when the Wraith rounded on her furiously.

"S-i-l-e-n-c-e!" The creature howled, as he raised one hand into a threatening posture. Amelia dared him to strike, by a mocking his expression, quietly.

"At once! My Lord." The strange girl intervened, abruptly. Her quick compliance and Amelia's reluctant silence seemed to quell the Wraiths temperamental mood. Eventually, the imposing male lost interest and moved away, to inspect another occupied table. "You would be wise to cooperate with them, in silence." The girl muttered, as she approached Amelia's position carefully.

"Wha..." Amelia's question was immediately meant with a hand over her mouth. The strange girl was shocked when she tried to speak and stopped any further sound from escaping her unrestrained lip's. The girl then shook her head 'no' and nodded toward the large male Wraith hovering about the room. Amelia let out a long sigh, with no weapons or clothing, there was nothing she could do, to argue, that wouldn't get her kill.


At first it seemed like a blessing, that she was assigned to work the Mines, without question. Amelia happily hauled stone's or chipped away at the rocky tunnel wall's most days. Oddly enough, the Wraith where mining a stone that looked like opal. They called the raw iridescent ore, Challik. Its use was unknown to the human miners, but the Wraith seemed to covet the precious stone. The planet's crust was littered with large veins of the iridescent substance, and it appeared they had been harvesting Challik for untold generations.

Lost and Alone: The Torres ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now