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THE HEAT OF the fires ravaging their way across the great city of Aslopen sears my bare skin despite their distance, and as I face the flames, the bitter screams of the people below me send an unsettling chill down my spine. The chaos has been unrelenting and I fear as I stare into the burning divide of my city: a war between the Dark and Light is upon us.

A divide cuts itself across Aslopen, fires bleeding their ugly mark into the once pristine sandstone or obsidian buildings, cleanly segregating the Light and Dark from one another. Foreign soldiers march into opposite territories, a stark color contrast against their usual dwellings, black mixing with white and vice versa. This battle between the opposing races, all sparked over a critical decision, has permanently transformed the once peaceful albeit tense city into a war zone. The fires burn brighter each day and the fighting grows more fierce as the two forces clash over one decision: opening the borders between the Light and the Dark.

It's something that has never been done before. Something that is taboo in all other nations of Idris. Something that would allow the riches of the plentiful resources in the Light's territory to be attainable for the Dark as well. Something that the Light believed would make our nation, Duun, weak and something that the Dark fought to enact.

It's something that has brought us to war rather than peace, it seems.

"Are you ready, my lady?" A voice asks politely from behind me, and I turn slightly, unable to tear my sight away from the city quite yet. A huge sense of responsibility weighs me down as I watch the endless slaughter before me, and my heart aches with insurmountable guilt. As a future leader of these people, I feel as if it's partially my fault that no action is being taken to prevent this blood-shed. I try taking a deep breath, my hands gripping the railing in front of me until my knuckles turn white. The almost irresistible urge to scream at how helpless I feel rises within me but as I recognize the deep voice of the soldier who addressed me, I manage a small smile, pushing down my dark tide of emotion.

"You don't have to address me so formally, Carter."

Carter steps forward, his usual heavy battle armor has been replaced with a lightweight set that's pale in color ‒ the typical issue for a Light soldier–to conceal us where we are hiding, and as I study him, I find it disconcerting because I'm used to seeing him in the silver colors of the royal family. Ever since birth, Carter was bonded to me as my filat, a bodyguard who will defend me for rest of my life, and has since then discarded his usual Light uniform for my family's colors. The small change bothers me despite our dire situation.

Carter studies me for a moment, an eyebrow raised. "You are the future queen of Duun, Thea. It's protocol."

I sigh and finally, after taking one last forlorn glance at Aslopen, I hike up my delicate skirt and descend the steps towards him. "It's protocol for everyone besides my friends. You are my friend, are you not?"

"If you say so, my lady."

I give him a pointed look, but can sense the teasing tone in his voice and see his lips quirk upwards slightly, taking that as a minor victory. That small happy glow in my heart quickly fades and I smooth my dress down with a huff, examining the room in front of me with a pang of sadness. Ever since I was little, this had been my place of comfort and hideaway from the pressures of being next in line for the throne of Duun, but most of all, this place holds so many precious memories. There are little scuff marks in the corners from accidental mishaps of sliding across the marble floors with my brother, and splashes of paint on the walls from when I had been in a art inspired frenzy. It's always been my room, a place where I've always counted on being my safe haven and the place I knew I would fall asleep at night. Until tonight.

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