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THE OLD MAN smiles reassuringly at me but I feel like I'm spiraling. Am I not the only Grey left in Duun?

Am I not alone?

The breath seems to be stolen from my lungs, and I can't find any sort of strength to move or do anything except stare open mouthed. Part of me is dimly aware that Carter has lightly grabbed my wrist and is starting to pull me forward towards him.

The moment I take that first step it's as if a flood gate is opened. "How...?"

The old man's smile turns almost forlorn, a sudden weight added to his features that seems to accentuate the darkness beneath his eyes and deepen the slouch his spine takes. "That is a long story, one I'm sure you're dying to hear and I won't deprive you of. Come, walk with me."

I let Carter pull me forward, my body feeling like it's vibrating with energy at the new revelation and my mind is like a glass overflowing with its contents as questions itch to be asked. The old man beats me to it.

"I'm sure you're wondering what country I come from and more importantly, why I'm here of all places in the midst of all this strife, especially where any Grey is in danger. I suppose I'm here as a representative of the other nations of the Idris but also as a kindred spirit to the last family I have."

I stop in the middle of the walkway. "What?"

"My name is Henri Greyborn, your grandfather on your mother's side. It was through many...disagreements that I was made to leave the Grey Castle to wander between other countries, but at the news of Erebos's rise to power, I returned."

"Wait, you mean to tell me that you've been here all this time?" I say suddenly, feeling a bitterness rise within me at the two years Carter and I have spent alone. "You've been alive, and didn't decide to find me? Not even now but before? Why have I never known of your existence?"

Henri sighes and continues to walk forward, forcing us to follow. "About a couple years after your brother was born, your mother and I had a difference in opinion. She wanted to shelter you and Damien from who we are as a race, claiming our time to be of peace and— "

There's a rise of impatience that bubbles up within me. "What do you mean, 'who we are as a race?'"

"Why is it that every nation is led by the Grey? How do you think I was able to heal you?" Henri now smiles. "The Grey have been gifted as a race to be the bridge between the Light and the Dark, a mediator between the both and an overseer to protect and lead them. We have the ability to wield the energy within the very people of these opposing forces, using it to replenish energy within people or diminish it. It's a power that needs to be awoken in every Grey, but for the last few decades, has been ignored in many nations, including Duun. It's a power your mother chose to ignore, and one I urged her to awaken within you and your brother."

It's Carter that speaks up now, a deep frown settling upon his features.  "Why?"

"My daughter always saw the best in people. She and the King both only saw hope in their plan to unite the Light and Dark but I could just see the political unrest at their lifelong plans. I felt a time of war could be upon us with our race being idle too long; I knew we were vulnerable. It's only after the war that many countries were overthrown, just like Duun's was with Erebos, and now out of all the seven kingdoms of Idris, I'm one of three Grey who can wield the powers gifted to us."

"Right." I say, suddenly feeling cold at the idea of where this is going. "And I suppose that's what you you want from me? It's the only reason you came for me and Carter after all this time? You've found a way to awaken my abilities and you want to use it to overthrow Erebos."

Henri reaches forward but stops when I take a step back, his eyes now desperate. "Is that such a bad thing? Don't you want revenge for your family?"

"More than anything." I reply without hesitation.

"Then listen, Thea. I do care about you and I came for you because you are family. But I did also come because you are the only other person who would share in the same pain and desire to dethrone the man who betrayed our family. If we awaken your ability, it would only make his demise more certain."

I take a deep breath. Carter, Fin, and even myself had thought that the only reason for taking down Erebos was so I could be queen. But what if I don't take the throne? What if all I do is stop him? For my parents, Damien, and even those servants who stood up for me just a few days ago. What if, for them, I strip Erebos of his newfound title?

What if I kill him?

Henri's hand gently lays on my arm, steering me to walk forward with him again. "I understand it's a lot to ask so you don't need to decide now. I actually have someone I think you should meet in the meantime."

I nod silently, for once unable to voice my opinion as I no longer truly know where I stand.

I glance to my left, Fin looking impassive as always but Carter has his brow pinched together tightly. It's a look I recognize: worry. A part of me wants to ask but another part knows him well enough to understand it's about the growing implications of what we will have to do. Or rather, the unknown dangers of what I will have to do, something I'm sure he will try to protect me from.

I fix my gaze in front of me, deciding I'd rather avoid his gaze. I understand his worry but I'm sick of being coddled and treated like glass. Destroying Erebos, gaining this ability...maybe this will be the final steps towards some peace of heart.

The sounds of loud cracks have me beginning to pay attention to my surroundings again. We've completely made it around the open balcony to where there's a staircase leading to the upper and lower floors. It may have once been a grand staircase, the hint of marble peaking through the muck and chips, but its grandeur is long gone.

Henri and Fin lead us up the stairs towards the noise, sharing a glance between them as we ascend.

It's only when we start to reach the top of the stairs do I realize what's going on. Before us is an open area, this floor significantly larger than the last with it's space opened up with the lack of rooms, but instead what appears to be a ballroom. It's surprisingly clean, but more from use than anyone taking the time to sweep or tidy up. The wide expanse of the once glorious dance floor wraps around the balcony in the center of the building, with several people milling about. In front of us, however, there's just one pair facing off. The loud cracking noise makes sense as they both hold wooden staffs that mimic swords as they spar back and forth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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