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I WAKE THE next morning to a pounding headache and a bright light shining against my eyes. It's as if there are pins and needles being prodded into my skull, the overpowering sunlight thrusting it's agony with the power of a sharpened dagger. I don't even have the capability to open my eyes, unconsciously squeezing them shut tighter as I groan and curl into myself, trying to shield myself from the light.

That's when the events of last night hit me and I sigh, realizing I should probably wake.

I struggle to flutter my eyelids open to the radiant morning sunlight, and for a moment all I see is white. Pain seems to radiant from my skull, as if my brain is trying to punch its way out, and I groan loudly. I didn't even drink as much as Fin.

Yes, I did drink a good portion of the bottle once Fin fell asleep but before that, we mostly watched the stars in silence, too lost in our own thoughts to say anything more. I drank until the night sky started to spin and my thoughts turned to mush. I drank until I forgot everything. I must have succeeded because I don't remember falling asleep on the balcony.

I groan and flop my head back down, eyelids too heavy to stay open for any longer. I don't even care I'm still on the balcony in the open. Maybe I can catch another couple hours of sleep and my headache will disappear by then.

Alas, no such luck.

Loud footsteps stomp across the floor behind me, stopping just a few paces away. There's a sharp exhale of breath and I inwardly wince. I would recognize that disappointed sigh anywhere.

"Thea?' Carter's asks, and I can hear the exasperation making it deeper and breathier than usual, more of a whisper than actual words.

I'm tempted to simply stay put, pretending to still be asleep but I take a deep breath and prepare to face the storm. I bring a hand to my face, rubbing the sleep from my eyes roughly and push myself to my feet before I've even really opened my eyes.

When I finally face him, I expect the usual look when I appear drunk or hungover. The dark eyes, clenched jaw, and long winded speech that usually accompanies it. What he is sporting now is a completely new look to me.

His eyes are wide and there's a big smile starting to spread across his features. I hardly have time to be surprised before he's grabbing me and pulling me into a tight hug. It's tighter than usual, as if he's too afraid to let go and for a moment I stand stiff as a board, too startled by the action to move.

"I thought you would be mad?"

He laughs, the sound soft and melodious against my ear. "I'm relieved. The last time I saw you..."

"Right." I wince, remembering the pain in my side all too well, and return the hug. "I must have looked terrible."

"I thought you were going to die." He admits, and to that I scoff.

"I've been through worse."

He pulls away from me, concern still glinting in his eyes but the rest of him laughing. "Not under my watch you haven't."

I raise an eyebrow at that. "What about that one time when I was twelve— "

"That's not fair." He protests immediately. "I was sick and you were the one who fell out of the tree."

"You cried."

"True, but it wasn't life threatening."

"For the love of darkness will you two please keep it down?"

Carter and I look down at the sudden comment, both noticing Fin for the first time as he glares up at us from his position on the ground. His face is scrunched up as he tries to fight against the sun to see us, dark hair sticking up at odd angles, and his silver eyes glinting angrily.

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