Chapter Three

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"I've put an advertisement in the paper this morning for another barmaid." Harry informed Gwen the next day.

She nodded to let him know that she understood.

"Just to help out at the weekends now that everyone's back from the war. And to cover your Friday shifts; now that you're working for Mister Shelby."

"I could always help out on weekends, Harry." She said, "I know you've said before that Saturday's are really busy lately...perhaps three people would be better?"

"I'd appreciate the help, Gwen." He said, with a nod. "Two on the bar and one on the floor would be better...we'll have to cope with just the two of us until someone answers the add. With how things are around here now that the Peaky Blinders are back, Small Heath isn't the most welcoming place for people looking for employment."

She agreed with him.

Gwen had lunch with Polly, before taking her place behind the bar while Harry went out for the hour. She stood behind the bar, and watched the quiet drinkers at the tables as Tommy - her new landlord - sat at the bar with his whiskey, observing her silently.

"Alright, Gwen?" That was a voice she hadn't heard for a long time.

She moved over to Freddie Thorne, not having noticed when he had walked in, or taken the barstool beside Tommy.

"What are you having?" She asked, dismissing his attempt at engaging her in conversation, as she did with most people nowadays.

"I'll take a mild, please, sweetheart." He said, moving one of the coins that Thomas had set on the counter towards her.

She poured him his drink before setting it in front of him, and taking the coin he had stolen from Tommy.

"How've you been?"

"Fine." She lied.

"Saw the bakery's been closed." He said, "People said it's been that way for a couple of years now."


He waited for her to elaborate, but decided on a different line of questioning when he was obviously being dismissed by the usually chatty girl.

"Married yet?"


"Come on, tell me you've at least got yourself a man who's sweet on you?"


"Did you hear that Tommy? The lovely Gwen is still single."

"I heard."

The strawberry blonde moved away from the two men, who - to her - appeared to have suffered a blow to their once close relationship.

She ignored them, and turned her back to the two men so that she could focus on polishing the glasses that she had left to dry.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and Gwen whirled around - startled - at the sudden slam!

She had heard that a lot of the men were suffering from the effects of being away at war, but she had yet to see it with her own eyes. Danny, who Gwen had never really spoken with before, ran into the Garrison and started screaming and shouting as he uprooted tables and chairs.

Glasses smashed, drinks were spilled and people darted out of his way.

"What's going on!" Harry had arrived behind the bar, back from his lunch break, and watched the chaos with wide eyes.

Gwen couldn't look away from the war-stricken man. Her hands shook, and she wanted desperately to run over and help him - but she was rooted to the spot in complete shock.

Loving Gwen Baker (Thomas Shelby/Peaky Blinders)Where stories live. Discover now