Chapter Seventeen

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Gwen woke up that next morning, well rested. She felt so good, that she grabbed her paints and sketchbook before packing herself a small lunch and leaving her house. She was going to attempt walking to the meadow.

Her long strawberry blonde hair was loosely braided over her shoulder, and hung down to her small waist. She wore a blouse that used to be very loose on her, but now she fit into it a lot better and she smiled to herself in the mirror when she noticed her rosy cheeks looking a lot fuller; less gaunt.

Gwen was slightly puffed when she made it to the woodland path, but she was determined not to stop until absolutely necessary. She passed the halfway point with a smile, and felt her heart rate increasing with excitement as she continued on until she could see the mares and the stallion grazing in the sunshine.

She dumped her bag on the ground and hopped over the fence with a beaming grin, "I made it!"

Monaghan Boy nickered softly, and bobbed his head up and down in greeting as Gwen made her way towards him with a sweet green apple.

"You know..." The voice from behind caused her to startle. "Apples actually rot their teeth."

She was startled, and turned around on her heel - stumbling slightly. "Tommy!" She exclaimed, spotting him standing by his vehicle. "I didn't hear your car?"

"I've been here a while." He said, nodding his head towards the woodland path. "Was about to leave, but I saw you running up the path."

"It's the first time I've walked here without having to stop." She said with a smile, "And about the's only one small treat."

A grin teased Tommy's lips, "I'll let you off then."

She approached the fence, and came to stand beside him as they watched the horses grazing. Monaghan Boy had followed the strawberry blonde over to the fence, and was nibbling at her pocket - trying to mug her for another treat. "No more." She scolded him, "You'll get me into trouble, again." She ran her hand up and down his muzzle, and he enjoyed the attention.

"He likes you." Tommy said.

"I think he's humouring me." She corrected him, "He's after the apples."

"You see the way his eyes are closed, and he's leaning into your touch? He's not after what you've got in your pockets. He's fond of you."

She smiled, causing the dimple that Tommy loved to appear in her left cheek. "Well, I'm glad." She said, "I always thought they put up with me for the treats."

"The treats help." Tommy said, with a chuckle. "I used to give old farmer Trevor's horse a carrot every time I passed. Which I stole from his crop field - of course."

Gwen laughed at that, "I must admit, I did that once or twice."

He appeared surprised, "You stole?"

"I did." She laughed again, "I felt awful though, so I brought him a slice of cake as payment." She felt something brushing against her jaw, and she turned her gaze away from the horse (who had now moved away from them to graze).

As she turned to face Tommy, the movement caused her to lean into his touch. His fingertips froze for a second, but when she didn't move away, he gently brushed a few wisps of stray hairs behind her ear...he swallowed, before he looked deep into her eyes.

"Can I..." The question was left unspoken, but Gwen knew what he wanted to ask.

She was unsure of how to answer. It seemed that all words her completely left her vocabulary. Her tongue felt heavy, numb. Her eyes flickered down to his lips; his perfect, plump, soft-looking lips. And she gave one small, nervous nod.

Tommy moved slowly, giving her the opportunity to change her mind if she wanted to. His fingertips that were on her jaw, moved to her chin as he took one step closer towards her. His body heat was welcoming, and Gwen's breath hitched when she felt his other hand appear on her slim waist.

Tommy's handsome face drew closer to hers, and Gwen closed her hazel eyes as his lips ghosted over her own. Her heart raced when their mouths met; soft and warm. She found herself relaxing into his embrace, as he gently pulled her body flush against his own; his arms encircling her. She felt safe with him and after a moment, she felt brave enough to return his kiss.

They parted ways once the sweet kiss was shared, both of them sporting a light blush. Tommy licked his lips, his forehead coming to rest upon hers as he closed his eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted and waited to do that." He was as breathless as she.

She didn't know what to say, her blush deepened as an unspoken response to his heartfelt words. She raised her chin up to press her lips against his again; her first kiss was an experience she didn't ever want to forget, and sharing it with Thomas Shelby seemed right.

Gwen's palm settled over his left breast; and despite the three-piece suit he was wearing, she could feel how quickly his heart was racing. The fast paced beat was a sure promise that he wasn't playing her for a fool.

"I could kiss you all day, if you'd let me." He murmured against her lips.

She was completely lost in him, she knew that if she wasn't careful she would be putty in his hands. Her delicate fingers gripped at the front of his suit jacket, as their lips met for the third time...

Until Tommy was given a shove by Monaghan Boy. The dark bay stallion had decided that his owners leg was the perfect spot to rub his head on. Gwen couldn't help the laugh that escaped her, as Tommy used the post and rail fencing to regain his lost balance.

"I think he's jealous." Tommy said, picking up his fallen Blinder cap.

Gwen bit her bottom lip, noticing that it was slightly swollen, "Well, you are distracting me from painting his portrait."

When Tommy's eyes settled on her, she hid her blushing face from him, suddenly shy. "Don't hide from me, Gwen Baker." He said, his fingertips reaching underneath her chin so that he could bring her gaze back up to his. "I'm going to kiss you once more, and then I have to go."

To say she was disappointed was a serious understatement. "Will I still see you tomorrow?" Her heart skipped a beat when those words left her mouth, she hadn't realised how hopeful she was.

"Whenever you want me I'll be there, always."

They shared one more tender kiss, before Tommy reluctantly pulled away. All words appeared to be lost between them, and all Gwen could see was the Peaky Blinder surround by a light pink haze.

Tommy said something as he pulled the car up beside the fence, and he grinned and tipped his peaked cap at her before he drove away.

Gwen watched the car until he was out of sight, and a sigh left her parted lips before she was accosted by the stallion once more, for attention. "Don't ask me how I feel," She began, giving the greedy horse another slice of fruit. "Because I'm asking myself that very same question, and I'm afraid I have no answer for it."

Upon realising that the strawberry blondes pockets were now empty, Monaghan Boy trotted back to the small herd to resume grazing.

Gwen closed her eyes as she sat in the grass, her legs crossed underneath her as she pulled her bag of paints onto her lap. She pulled out her sketchbook, before getting to work on her pieces.

While she painted, her mind was occupied with thoughts of Thomas Shelby.

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