Chapter Fifteen

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Gwen had been stunned into silence, and Tommy had told her that he wasn't expecting her to respond, which eased her inner panic. Of course she didn't love him, but she had already told herself that she felt something for him.

He took her to see Something About Her, the ginger mare who was stabled at Charlie Strong's yard, before they both walked back to the Garrison. Seeing the horse had put a smile back onto Gwen's face, and despite her panic attack an hour previous she was back to her cheerful self. Tommy was glad.

Gwen worked for the rest of the afternoon, before Harry told both her and Grace that they could finish for the day.

"It's still light," Grace said as the two women stepped outside of the pub. "Do you want to grab a coffee or some tea with me?"

Gwen smiled, "Sure, that'd be lovely."

They popped into a small cafe, where Gwen had frequented with Polly for lunch, and they settled at a small table for two with their pot of tea.

"How are you feeling?" Grace asked.

"Much better, thank you." Gwen replied with a relieved smile, "I always worry myself when I have one of those episodes. Tommy took me out for some fresh air, it did me good."

"You don't always go for lunch with Tommy, do you? It's usually Polly."

"She was busy this afternoon." Gwen said, "So Tommy took me instead. I wasn't hungry, so we just went to see one of his horses."

"The ginger one?" Grace asked, "I saw him riding her a couple of days ago. Is she new?"

Gwen shook her head, "He's had her for a while. She's just been at the meadow, that's where Monaghan Boy is now."

"The meadow?"

"Yes, he purchased the land after old farmer Trevor died." She explained, "He keeps his horses up there when they're not being trained or being raced. That's the job I have on Fridays; he's asked me to paint them."

"You're an artist?" Grace asked, her delicate eyebrows raised impressively.

"Well, not exactly." Gwen replied honestly, "It's a hobby, really. But I suppose if someone wants to pay me to do what I love, then I shouldn't complain."

They giggled, "Does Tommy stay up there with you, then? On Friday? I don't see him in the Garrison."

Gwen nodded, "He doesn't have to, but I like his company. He's done a lot for me."

"He has a soft spot for you, anyone can see that." Gwen was unsure if she heard a pinch of jealousy in the Irish blondes tone, but she could've been mistaken. "Do you like him?"

"He's been good to me."

"That's not what I asked." Grace replied with a knowing smile, "You're blushing, Gwen."

The strawberry blonde put down her tea, "I don't know how I feel." She replied honestly, "I don't love him, but I...I feel something for him, I suppose. More than I do for anyone else."

"More than your postman friend?" She asked, "When we went to Cheltenham, Tommy said he saw you on a date with him at the pictures."

"We're just friends, it wasn't a date."

"I didn't think you looked at each other in any romantic way." Grace replied, in agreement. "He seems like an honest man."

"He is." Gwen replied, "But we are just friends. I believe he still has feelings for his childhood sweetheart - I'm sorry, I don't like to gossip." She picked up her teacup, and took a sip so that she would stop herself from talking.

Loving Gwen Baker (Thomas Shelby/Peaky Blinders)Where stories live. Discover now