Chapter Twenty Six

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Tommy had persuaded Gwen to have a glass of wine, which (of course with Gwen being such a light weight) went straight to her head.

It was amusing to listen to the strawberry blonde slurring her words all the way back to the cottage, she kept on saying how she had really enjoyed herself and how she worried that her feet were going to fall off.

"I'd be more worried about your tongue falling out." Tommy commented with a chuckle.

"You said you didn't mind me talking."

"And I don't." He replied, grinning at her. "I just don't think I've ever heard you talk so much."

She sighed, but giggled as she ran a hand over her face in embarrassment, "I wonder if Harry is okay."

"The Garrison would've been as busy as any other Wednesday."

"Not that Harry."

"Ah yes, your adopted stray."

"I left the back door open for him before we left. I hope he decides to stay with me. It's so lonely."

"You're lonely?"

"Yeah." She replied, "I mean, not as lonely as I was in Small Heath - I do have the horses as company. But someone to talk to at night would be nice."

"And you think a cat would be ideal."

"Well, of course!" She replied in a 'duh' tone. "It'd be improper if I asked you to stay, wouldn't it?"

Tommy's heart skipped several beats.

"And to be honest, I don't think I'd like to live with anyone else." She said, honestly. "I mean, I would've ask Grace, but after she was threatened by Inspector Irish I don't really want-"

"-She was what?"

"She was threatened by the Inspector." Gwen said, a little slower. "I didn't know she had any family for him to threaten to get her to do his bidding, but," She shrugged, "Hey, ho. He got to her somehow. I asked her about it and since then, she's kind of been avoiding me when I've popped into the Garrison to see her."

"Did she tell you what he made her do?"

"She did." Gwen replied, "But I promised not to tell anyone. She said he's leaving her alone now."


"-I may have a loose tongue, right now, Tommy. But I promised her I wouldn't say anything. You don't need to worry, she's safe now."

Gwen didn't realise that Tommy wasn't worried about Grace's safety; he didn't care about the Irish blonde.

"Have you heard from Ada?" Gwen asked.

"No." He replied.

"I asked Pol to ask her if she wanted to move into my old house with Karl." Gwen rested her head against the car window, suddenly feeling very tired. "Do you know if she's seen her?"

"Pol isn't talking to me, still."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." Tommy replied, glancing at the strawberry blonde. He did a double take however, upon finding that she had fallen asleep. His heart clenched. Her vulnerability in that moment, made her look even more beautiful in his eyes. He couldn't help but chuckle when he thought that her facial expression looked like she was pissed off about something.

He carried her into the cottage, not wanting to wake her up. She was a little heavier than she had been when he had carried her over broken glass after the explosion, but he knew the extra weight she was carrying was good. He had been devastated when he had returned from the war to find her skin and bone, his heart had broken at the sight of her. But now that she was healthier and happier, he felt that (if there were a God) that he would be forgiven for all of the bad things he had done, for taking care of this angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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