chapter eight

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Prime was sat in front of a computer screen viewing the clip of Grace's Point of View in the kitchen with Allison and Luther

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Prime was sat in front of a computer screen viewing the clip of Grace's Point of View in the kitchen with Allison and Luther.

She was cracking eggs into the pan as Luther spoke behind her," Mom? We need to ask you some questions about the night that Dad died," Their mother lifted her head slowly turning as Luther continued, "Do you remember anything?"

"Of course. Sunset, 7:33 p.m. Moon was waxing crescent, dinner was Cornish hen, - wild rice, and carrots—

"No No, uh—later that night, in his bedroom. Did you go see him?" Prime leaned forward the screen as she pressed a button on the keyboard making Grace unable—to not speak about the night.

Grace smiled and let out a chuckle," I don't recall"

She turned back to the cooking as she started humming when Allison spoke up," Were you ever, I don't know, angry with Dad?"

Grace scrapped the eggs on the pan and turned slowly," Your father was a good man. A kind man, He was very good to me"

Allision then spoke up," Yes, but after we all left, it must have been difficult"

"Oh, there were days, but Prime was here, always here, with me, she made me so happy, and then—" Prime pressed another button on the computer as she stopped Grace from almost speaking too much.

Allison and Luther gave her a confused look, as he asked," What?"

Grace then chuckled lightly as she reprogrammed and Allison spoke," Mom, what were you gonna say?"

Their mother then turned back to the meal preparation," Eggs are ready!" She got the four eggs and put a pair on each plate with a piece of bacon making a smiley face with the Eggs as eyes.

She grabbed the plate of eggs and turned it to them," Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" She walked over placing the plates in front of the pair," Now eat up, both of you" The two looked down to the plate as she looked at them.


Prime came back from Griddy's Doughnuts with a few cups of coffee. She walked up the stairs to Five's room and saw it was open and gasped as she saw her brother stitch his arm that had a horrible wound.

"Five! Oh god!" His head shot up as He tried to hide it, but Prime was already near him as she knelt to examine his wound, "Geeze Five, what the heck happened?" She said as she reached into her pocket for her handkerchief to wipe the excess blood.

He winced as he spoke," Just, got in a mess, nothing—

Prime frowned and cut him off," Okay, what is the deal—I was patient not asking questions, but what is happening to you? Vanya told me about your arm, and Klaus told me about you bringing him to some lab area—playing as your Dad"

He cursed quietly," They can't keep their mouths shut"

Prime grabbed the cup of coffee she got for him," Well, they were worried, you can't blame them, even if Vanya minds her life, and Klaus is almost always high, they are still going to care for you—now are you going to tell me? Or am I going to stay out of the loop until you are done being stubborn" He grabbed the cup and nodded in thanks.

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now