Little Space

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Third person

It was the beginning of lunch and Brooklyn and Grace were sitting at a table by themselves. They were very overwhelmed by the number of students that were in this one place. While they were just sitting marveling at the everything that was happening, Leah and Angela walked over to them.

"Little ones why are you sitting over here and not with us?" Leah asked. "And where is your food? You need to eat." Angela pointed out. "Well we didn't know where you were and we don't normally eat lunch in large crowds." Grace said pointing at all the big people who look like they could step on the two small girls if they tried to walk around. "Fine, come with us over to Jazmyn and Rose. None of these fuckers will mess with you or we'll kick their asses. Don't repeat that." Leah said while grabbing Grace's hand and Angela grabbed Brooklyn's. The two girls were struggling not to slip into little space with how the two taller girls were babying them.

"Hey guys what's up!" Rose exclaimed. Brooklyn and Grace wave timidly. "We just found these two little girls not eating, so we brought them over here to eat with us." Angela said while the four girls sat down and pushed their food to the little girls. The two girls looked at each other, then at their potential mommies with questioning looks "Eat." They said at the same time. That one word seemed to have started a staring contest that Rose ended. "How bout if you two eat like good girls, I'll let you pick a snack to eat in math" After that was said both girls started eating very quickly. "Slow down!" Angela and Leah exclaimed letting their mommy side show. The girls didn't seem to hear them because all of a sudden, Brooklyn started choking, which made grace begin to thump her on the back.

As Brooklyn stopped choking, Angela was scolding her. "See this is why we wanted you to slow down. Here. Let me feed you." She chastised, reaching for Brooklyn's food and holding it up to her lips. Brooklyn looked at her incredulously. "W-what no!" She exclaimed, trying to push the food away from her. "If you don't let Angela feed you, I won't give you any snacks during math." Threatened Rose. Brooklyn gaped at her and slowly and reluctantly allowed Angela to feed her.

Grace began giggling. "Ha. Bitch." She teased, as Brooklyn scowled at her. "Grace!" Yelled Leah, making the younger girl jump. "Didn't I tell you not to say words like that!" She scolded. "I mean not really. You just told us not to repeat those other words, but that wasn't one of them." Grace mumbled. "Shes got a point." Said Jazmyn who promptly got smacked on the arm by Rose. "Drop the sass and apologize, and since you think that's funny, I'm feeding you too." Said Leah, causing Grace to gasp and mumble an apology. It was clear to them the brunette didn't like to cause trouble, but Brooklyn was the brat of the two.

The two girls were worried that other people were judging them for getting fed, but as they looked around they realized that everyone was in huge crowds paying no attention to what was going on outside their crowd. They assumed it was the perks of being in such a big school. As they finished eating, the bell rang for 4th period.

"Let's go little ones." Said Rose, leading them to the math hall. As Rose was walking the girls to class Grace and Brooklyn kept pestering them about when they'd get their snacks. "Rose when are we getting our snack?" Grace asked, for fifth time since they left the lunchroom. "Honey, you'll get it when Jazmyn gets here with it." She said to the young girl. "Well when is she gonna hereeee?" Brooklyn whined. "In a couple minutes there's no need to whine about it, little girl." Rose said sternly causing the two girls to stop asking her about it.

Meanwhile with Jazmyn at their giant house

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