First Punishment

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Third person

It's been two weeks since Brooklyn and Grace got with their mommies. It's also been a week since Angela, Leah, Rose, and Jazmyn have come to school. After countless text saying they'd be at school and them not showing up Grace and Brooklyn got fed up.

They were late to school on Friday so they decided to just skip english. Once second period started they walked into the gym and and didn't see the girls, so they walked out, mumbling curse words the whole way. Little did they know, the four girls walked into the gym ten minutes after they left, looking for the littles. They just assumed they were running late, so they just sat in the gym until third period.

They were walking to the science hall to see if Brooklyn and Grace were there. As they were walking to the girls class they heard the teacher fussing, so they stopped to listen and what they heard shocked them, but made them laugh. "Oh my god, bitch shut the fuck up! All you do is complain! Why don't you try teaching!?" Brooklyn yelled at the teacher. "Excuse me, Ms. Hayes. That is no way to speak to an adult." The teacher said, sounding flustered. "You gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe? Maybe shit and cum?" Grace asked the teacher. Just as the girls were about to make their presence known, a boy spoke. "T-thats very d-dispectful." He said confidently. "Sh-sh-shut yo stuttering non-reading ass the fuck up! Ain't nobody ask you!" Grace yelled out. "Bitch!" Brooklyn called after her. The Girls finally made their presence known.

Brooklyn and Grace stopped all movement and were shocked to see them standing there. Jest then the lunch bell rang. Grace and Brooklyn tried to run pass Leah and Angela, but they caught them and pulled them in different directions.

With Leah and Grace in the locker room.

Grace was pulled over Leah's lap as the punishment was about to start. "You're getting ten. Five for cursing and five for skipping class." Leah said sternly. "You know your safe word right?" Grace nodded. "What is it?" "Pineapples." She said softly. "Okay I'm about to start, Grace." Leah said using her real name which made Grace whimper.

"Don't ever cuss at adults or at people at all." She lectures.
Grace was crying and whimpering. "Shhh. It's okay princess." Comforted Leah, picking Grace up. "I sorry." Sobbed Grace, hugging her mommy tightly. "It's okay. I forgive you, kitten. You did so old for your mommy.” Leah responded in a soft voice, patting Grace's back. Leah continued whispering reassuring words until she calmed down. " You're okay, baby." She said, wiping Grace's tears. "You still need a time out." Tears once again welled up in Grace's eyes. "Shh. You've got this sweetie. Now go stand in the corner, until I come get you then we'll go to lunch."

Meanwhile with Brooklyn and Angela

"What did,
I tell,
You about,
Cussing and,
Disrespectful?" Angela lectured Brooklyn. "I sorry mommy. It won't happen again." Cried Brooklyn. "It better not. Now come here." Said Angela, holding her arms out to Brooklyn. "Shh you're okay. You did so well for mommy. My beautiful babygirl." Comforted the older girl as the dark-skinned girl cried into her shoulder. Angela continued to whisper words of reassurance to her little and wiped her tears away. One Broklyn was calm Angela pulled away. "You still have a five minute time out. Go in the corner and then we can go." Brooklyn pouted, but walked to the corner reluctantly as Angela started her time.


The mommies decided to take their littles out to lunch. The four girls went out to Sonic, while Jazmyn and Rose decided to stay at the school to give the pairs their space. "What do you want, princess?" Asked Leah to her little. "Bacon burger, chili cheese fries, coconut slushie. P'ease?" She said to her mommy. Leah sighed and proceeded to order for her.

"What do you wanna eat, babygirl?" Asked Angela. "I wan a toasted bacon burger, mozzarella sticks, and a oreo cheese cake shake p'ease." Replied Brooklyn. The two younger girls took a seat while the older two ordered.

Once all four girls had their food, they got serious. "Why were you two acting like that. You're normally good girls." Asked Angela. Grace and Brooklyn looked at each other with unsure looks. Their mommies gave them comforting reassuring looks. "Oou two no been here in a whole week. Oou kept telling us oou were coming, but oou never did." Cried Grace. "We were tired of it. We missed oou and we wan to see oou." Whimpered Brooklyn.

The older girls felt like bitches. They should've been thinking more about how they were making their littles feel, but they were attempting to do something nice. "Awww. Poor babies. We're so sorry, but we wanted to surprise you." Cooed Leah.

The younger two parked up at the word "surprise." "surprise?" Asked the two girls, bouncing excitedly in their seat. The older two laughed at the younger girls' antics. "Well, we want you two to move in with us. We were gone because we were readying your nurseries. The two girls squealed in glee, hugging their mommies. "Oou are the best mommies ever!"

~To be continued


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