☆ Chapter 09 ~ Saved?!

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When I said that I made the boys confused and Taehyung looked lost and Wooyoung came with 10 other men that they had. Yes they have more actually. But then Taehyung growled and then he started pointing his gun at Ten and the he pulled the trigger I jumped in front of him and it shot my arm. Then Kun and Taeyong kicked the men they were fighting and then ran to me. Ten was pissed off and he said...

Ten: "You f*cking a**hole! Why did you just shot a woman?!"

Taehyung: "Just like you! You shot my love one!"

Ten: "You bastard!"

When Ten said that Taehyung was about to fight them but then one of Taehyung's men told him something and then he said...

Taehyung: "We will continue this next time!"

When he said that they all ran away. Ten wanted to follow them but he was more worried about you. So he turned to you and said...

Ten: "Yah! Baby Bunny why did you do that?"

Me: "Because I didn't want you to be hurt. But don't worry I'm fine."

Mark: "Okay then why did you try to save me when he was about to shot me?"

Me: "Because I love my family and I don't want to loose anyone!"

When I said that everyone said "Aww" and was about to hugged me but they didn't forget about my arm so the didn't do that. Then Ten said...

Ten: "Baby Bunny? Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

Me: "Don't worry Baby Bear I'm fine."

When I said that Kun sighed and all of the WayV members understood why he did that but then San said...

San: "Hyung why did they just sighed like that?"

Yunho: "Yeah why?"

Kun: "Because is how long we've known our beautiful here. We know that face when she's lying because she doesn't want us to worried."

Me: "No I'm telling the truth I'm fine."

Winwin: "We know you are hiding the pain."

Hendery: "And also it's because you arm is bleeding a lot."

Xiao Jun: "Yeah Okay Seonghwa Hyung?"

Seonghwa: "Yes?"

When Seonghwa said that I suddenly lost balanced feeling weak. But Ten caught me and put his arms around my waist. And then everything looked at me and then Xiao Jun said...

Xiao Jun: "Is that first aid bag still in your car?"

Seonghwa: "Yes! It is! Jongho! Can you get it?"

Jongho: "Yes sure thing Hyung."

When he said that he left and went and get it. Then when he came back we all sighed I relieved that she as being taken care of. Because at this point they couldn't trust anyone right now. Then Lucas said...

Lucas: "Guys we better go before the police comes or something."

When Lucas said that and they finished treating me and Kun put a big cast on my arm and I can't used the arm. But then we all got into our cars and started going home. When we arrived home I was about to go to the kitchen and cook some food for us and then Wooyoung said...

Wooyoung: "Sweetie, where are you going?"

Me: "To the kitchen to cook."

Hongjoong: "With you hand like that?!"

Me: "Yes?"

Ten: "No I don't think so."

San: "Me either."

Then I sighed and didn't say anything and I walked up the stairs and went into my room. When I arrived I closed the door and laid down gently on my bed and started crying. The reason why I was crying is that even though I saved Ten which I'm very happy about but now I'll end up doing nothing in the mean time because I can't do anything with one hand though. Then I heard a knock on my door and I sighed but I said...

Me: "Come in."

When I said that I laid down and stared at the ceiling. Then I heard more then a one person footstep so I gently sat up and looked at the boys and I saw WayV, Taeyong, Chenle, Renjun only. I'm more comfortable around WayV because I've known them for a while now. Then when I was about to say something Xiao Jun suddenly said...

Xiao Jun: "Are you okay beautiful?"

Me: *nodded*

Ten: "Baby Bunny I know something is wrong...you never not answer with your mouth instead you are just nodding. And we know something is wrong."

Kun: "Please tell us beautiful we are worried about you."

Renjun: "Noona please?"

Me: *sigh* "Okay fine."

When I said that I didn't make eye contact with anyone and I said...

Me: "Don't get me wrong I honestly love you all so much...especially you Baby Bear and I'm glad that you all aren't injured or anything but the fact that now that I am...I can't do anything to help you guys. I usually help out Kun Oppa, Taeyong Oppa and Seonghwa Oppa in the kitchen or help the younger ones clean stuff but now I can't because of my arm."

Taeyong: "Aww it's okay you can still help us when you are healed and until your arm fully heal you will be at home with Chenle and Renjun."

When Taeyong said that Renjun and Chenle both looked at me with no emotion on their face because they knew I would say something. And then I said...

Me: "But..."

{ To be continued... }

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