☆ Chapter 15 ~ Hurt by who??!

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Then somehow they both was free from their grips and started yelling at each other about their parents and then I heard laughing and I turned to the person who was laughing and it was.... The King. I felt suspicious about him but I just for get it. Then Ten and Taehyung started shoting each other. Then the king got mad and went to then and wacked Ten on the head. And it made him fall and then I went to him and said...

Me: "Ten!"

When I went arrived to him I put his head on my lap and then looked up at the king. Then I yelled...

Me: "Yah! Was that necessary?! Why would did you only hit Ten when Taehyung was the one that started all of this!!!"

When I said that I started telling at the king and everyone grasped and stayed quiet. When they did that I was guessing that I'm the first person who stood up to the king. I mean I didn't care I will do anything to protect my family as much as I can. Then I looked at Hendery and he carried Ten to the car. But before we left I said...

Me: "For a king you definitely don't respect everyone of your kind and you like a dump!"

When I said that I left and the other followed me. When I said that I couldn't control my anger because he almost killed Ten! But when they did the king pushed through the boys and came to me then when he did he grabbed my hand and said...

King: "You will regret what you just said!"

Me: "Do what you want to me! Just don't touch my family and I mean ever!!"

When I said that the king got mad and was about to hit me but I just stood there and then Wooyoung jumped in front and stopped and said...

Wooyoung: "Your majesty don't touch her or your the one to regret it."

King: "I never liked you and your group but mostly Ten."

Me & Wooyoung: "Thank you."

When we said that we looked at each other then we turned away and we left. And the other followed them. But the others started laughing at the king and suddenly San turned around and he was looking for Taeyong and his group but they were gone. They weren't where they were. Then Yeosang called San's name and San ran to them.

{ 30 minutes later } { Home }

We have arrived home now and Mingi was carrying Ten to his room. When we did he put him down slowly and then left. I was standing there being worried. Then a few minutes later, I went and changed into comfy clothes and started taking care of him. Then Seonghwa went in with the first aid kit and then he said...

Seonghwa: "Here's the first aid kit. Now I'm gonna go down and help Kun make dinner and porridge / soup for Ten. The doctor will be here soon."

Me: "Okay thank you."

Seonghwa: "No problem."

When he said that I nodded and then he left. Then I started taking care of him and the bruised while the doctor is coming. Then the doctor came and he came in with Yunho and when I said "come in." and Then the doctor took a look at his bruises and all and he said...

Doctor: "Since he was hit on the back is his head....he will be unconscious for a while and there is nothing else I can do."

Me: "And how long will that be doctor?"

Doctor: "I'm not sure, it might take days. weeks, or even months."

Me: "Okay thank you doctor."

When I said that the doctor left and I sat back down and sat talking to Ten. Then 20 minutes later, someone knocked on the door and it was Chenle. Then Chenle said...

Chenle: "Noona? Come down and eat."

Me: "No I'm good. You guys can eat without me."

Chenle: "Are you sure Noona? You haven't eaten."

Me: "Yes I'm sure don't worry about me Chenle."

Chenle: *nodded*

When Chenle nodded he left the room and closed the door. I sighed and then my stomach started growling but I didn't want to eat even though I know I was hungry. Then around 15 minutes later, some knocked on the door and I said "come in" and then the person came in and it was Jongho and YangYang with Wooyoung behind then. Jongho and YangYang came in with 2 trays. I'm guessing on was mine and one was Ten's. Then Jongho came to me and said...

Jongho: "Noona, this is your food Kun Hyung told me to bring it to you."

When Jongho said that I looked at him and said...

Me: "Thank you. Go put it at the table I'll eat it later."

When I said that Jongho nodded and did what I said then YangYang gave Ten's porridge tray me and I grabbed it and put it on the bed side table and then they both left. Then someone came in and that someone is....

{ To be continued.... }

The Mafia's Princess ~ NCT Ten { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now