Chapter 1

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I groan as a wet towel gets thrown ont on to my face . We had been in the car for three hours and have finally reached the football field.

I unclip my seat belt and turn around to find out which fucker woke me up with a dripping towel only to find out that my older twin brothers had all ready jumped out of the mini van and began sprinting away from me.

IM GONNA KILL YOU!! I scream as I  wrench the door open and sprint off after them leaving my mum, Chris and Felix to unload the car and a sleeping Jess.

After chasing the boys around the oval and behind the bathrooms I finally catch them and pour my freezing cold water all over them. I giggle and run back to the van knowing the couldn't do anything to me if mum was around.

I climb back into the van and in clip Jess who was somehow still asleep and carry her outside.

Because my step dad Chris is the club head coach he has to bring heaps of equipment with him to every one of the games so by the time everyone is loaded up with balls, cones, tags and whatnot every one gets in their daily workout.

By the time we set everything down Jess had woken up and had started nagging me for food because mum was bussy. I groan as I walk back to the mini van and pull out a bag of chips knowing that will keep her quiet for at least a few minutes.

It's 8.00 am. I. Do. Not. Need. This!!

So what did you think of my first chapter? I know it was a bit boring but it may take me a while to introduce all the characters and begin with the main story line. Make sure to vote and comment!

- Paige xoxo

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