A/N- I Have Tea

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Ok I'm really sorry if you wanted a chapter but I have the tea rn.

Ok so I just came back from a sleepover with two of my best friends from school, so we did all the normal stuff go swimming, watch movies, stay up till 5.00am and then wake up at 5.30am so it was pretty normal.

So one of my friends has been crushing on this guy and he liked her back but it turns out he has a gf so she was like no bro I'm not a fucking bitch I ain't gonna be yo side chick, so then that ended.

Buttttt now she likes this guy from a private all guys school and he likes her back and this guy it kinda nice, kinda good looking, kinda funny  ya know, all that stuff,  anyway turns out he is a druggy and a dealer.

So that's the tea. Hope you enjoyed it and I will see you soon I think

Paige xoxo

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