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Welcome welcome one and all to the Shitshow that is my life! My name is M. Alice (A pen name silly) and I will be your host tonight, today, whenever you decided to read this. Now a little bit about me before we dive into the rants and ravings. I am 22 years old (but I feel strangely older), bisexual (or pan really but I like saying I am bi, fight me) and gender is a whole issue but it's chill to use female as well as non-binary pronouns with me (she/her, they/them). I grew up, and currently live in, a very rural muscipality in Quebec. I did move away for a bit for school though. I lived in and around Montreal for about two years while I was getting my Media Arts degree, then I moved in with my ex in Orleans; (near Ottawa) which was a huge mistake that lasted 8 long months. After that I went back to my parents place before trying out Ottawa again and trying my hand at a professional photography program, which I did well in until I got evicted from my Ottawa place over dirty socks and my life went downhill. Now I work a part-time job at a local Escape Room that has questionable management.
I have a wonderful boyfriend (yes I am bi and in a "hetero" relationship, but there is nothing straight about our relationship, so take that hate elsewhere) who is just the sweetest guy on earth and our relationship is 90% corn and cringe which I love. He actually texted me right as I was writing about him (cue awws from all of you reading). So my life right now is pretty good for the first time in a long time so that is refreshing. But trust me it is still a Shitshow.
I have this knack for getting myself into trouble and random situations by accident, which makes for some interesting stories but does a number on my mental health.

More sharing! More sharing! More sharing!

So more about me (get used to it).
I was once "on" (I submitted a question and it got answered)  a Kevin Smith podcast called Edumacation (episode 35) where Kevin called me a stoner, said he had an itch for me, and bluntly stated that he wanted to watch me and another random guy have sex. I also made Kevin Smith question why we call things be certain words.

I write other things on here, go check them out if you want to.

I constantly start new projects before finishing my old ones. Don't worry I hate it as much as you will when I don't update often.

I am dyslexic, not too bad but I still can't see some typos and stuff so feel free to point those out. I know right now that the grammar is probably shit but like, writing stream of consciousness.

I used to be a leader of an LGBTQIA+ club in my first stint at college. I was also an English tutor as well as a writer for the school paper. I also produced content for the college radio station.

I know a shit ton about photography and I love shooting film, or well loved before holding a camera made me sick to my stomach. (Told you shit show)

I dropped out after a single day of university because I hated every second of it.

Punk at heart and a fucking bass slut.

I also have been known to indulge in the devil's lettuce a fair amount (it's legal here) so don't be surprised if you get some stoned updates.

I can't fucking sleep. Like ever. Hence the weed.

Okay that is enough sharing time for now. But please read on to know more about me and my shit show life.


M. Alice.

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