Kakyoin x Reader (See No Evil)

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As Jotaro's twin sister, things were lonely. You used to have friends, before high school happened. You loved your big brother, and copied his style as a proper twin, but he acted as a natural repellent for meaningful relationships. Any girlfriends you might have had were too busy trying to woo your brother (or you) and any boys that might have been interested were terrified of him. But for what it was worth... your mother, Seiko, more than made up for your lack of friends and your standards in men was awkwardly inflated. In fact, she told you to call her Seiko when you felt like you really needed a friend, kind of like a totally not embarrassing at all code word for needing something a little more than just a mother.

In the library, while pouring your attention into your studies, the annoying chirps of women fantasizing over Jotaro kept interrupting your thoughts. That was enough already! It's like you were enough to get them wet and swooning just by association. Just as you were suppressing a scream, humming invaded your ears followed by some very welcome silence. On your book was something strange. A fairy, holding her ears gently as she looked up at you with her tiny glittering eyes.

As beautiful as she was, you called her 'Sanzaru' since her actions reminded you of the monkey; See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Over the next few days, you played with her. She made things quiet for you or for whomever you wanted and with her help it didn't take as long as it usually would for you to be satisfied with the studying you accomplished. She was your Silence. Also, the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Grandpa was visiting and you couldn't wait to catch up with him, so you rushed home after school.

There was a lot of things you missed while you were being a good student. But of course, no matter how stressed she was, mom wouldn't disrupt your studying for anything. It wasn't the jail or vampires or stands that really hit you, you'd listened avidly when grandpa told you stories of his youth and you already figured that the world was pretty strange, it was that there was someone else your age in the house that caught you off guard.

Sanzaru helped you sneak up to the tea room that he was resting in and you peeked past the doorway. Your breath caught in your chest as soon as you took in his visage. Bandaged and sleeping, his beautifully sculpted face contorted by whatever nightmare was haunting him. Aside from how he was obviously breathing, you could hardly believe he was real. There must have been a god out there that had a lark out of molding perfect people, just to tease the masses... You of all people would know.

"Y/N." You jumped a little but your silent scream didn't fill the air as Seiko spooked you from behind, her gentle smile had you looking away guiltily but she pulled you into a soft embrace and whispered into your ear "Lets make him some tea, its bound to make him feel better.". It was something you'd have done maybe thousands of times before. You were making what you'd have prided as perfect tea as your mom woke the living statue. His amethyst gaze made you feel vulnerable as he thanked you, but you dared to meet his eyes anyway.

He wasn't as huge as your brother, but he was still much more muscularly built than anyone that you've seen who wasn't related to you in some way. He was also polite and really damn graceful as he conversed lightheartedly with your mother. When you had finished your tea, you were anything but calm. You offered him a new cup before devoting your scattered attention to a book. Hopefully, your typically calm demeanor hadn't completely shattered, even as you stole glances at him throughout the day.

Seiko teased you mercilessly as you bathed with her that night, how a mother knows without being told is just scary sometimes. It was much more than the hot water that had you flushed when you retired to your room to sleep. As you lay in bed, squeezing your pillow, you thought of whether or not this Kakyoin guy would stay. Would he go to school with you and your big brother or would he leave? If he left, would you ever see him again? You wanted to get to know him better, maybe as a friend at least.

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