Dio x Reader (Chess)

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Your mother used to be a beautiful woman once, before she seduced the head of a noble family and had you of course. The problems started while she was still pregnant with you even, your mother never knew how anyone found out. She's lost her beauty and her fertility to the weakness of her heart, having the child of a man that was already spoken for- it ruined her. Wives are scary.

As unstable as she had become, she loved you; Her daughter, her beautiful baby girl, her only baby. Although that wasn't anything to shelter you from the horrors of the ghetto around you. She did anything she could to scrape enough to support her small family of two, and you made sure to stretch whatever she gave you until it was enough. What little you had, you could protect it.

The men at the bar disgusted you, drunk and filthy and always manhandling your mother. There was no satisfaction in life until you watched one of the guys you hated the most get cleaned out by a young pretty boy. He was blond and had sharp eyes that refracted like a tigerseye, from a bright honeyed color to a deep red. As he went away from the table with a decent sum of money, you were jealous of the intellect and self confidence that let him gamble with chess like he did.

As much as you envied him, you admired him more. He began to frequent the bar, and you learned more about chess as you watched. It started to become thrilling to watch him win, even if he never lost. You wanted to gamble, but you had no confidence in your own talents. Nothing of yours would be worth much, nothing but your body. Like your mother had been, you were growing to be someone truly lovely and you knew that these unsavory types were looking at you with dirty eyes. Gambling with something like that on the line was unthinkable unless...

"I know you never lose. You could probably win a lot more if you made a bet with me on the line." You'd said your proposition as he walked past you on his way out, your voice so quiet that only he could have heard. He stopped to looked you up and down before he ran a hand through his hair "Come then." before he continued out the door. Your heart was beating wildly, this was the most ridiculous thing you'd ever done.

As you followed behind him "What would you want?" he started to draw up terms, "Anything you'd give me. I'll just trust you." and chuckled at your words "Alright then.". In a bar that you'd never set foot in before, you stood nearby as a prize to be won. Your face flushed in exhilaration causing your features to appear more sultry and the opponents made even more outrageous mistakes.

When no one else dared challenge, he took your hand and brushed the back of it with his thumb. "Today, my lady, you have earned my name." A cheeky smirk appeared on his face as he watched your reactions "If you're pleased... I, Dio Brando, will rely on you again soon.". Some of the winnings had been left in your palm before he turned around to leave. It was enough to buy food for a week and some high quality clothes. The days he visited your bar were always the same, you knew when you'd see him again.

You wore a rather simple new dress the next time he took you out, but the new corset cinched your waist properly and accentuated your growing bust. It was a different bar this time and although the opponents were even more distracted than last time, Dio's skill didn't waver. When the day was done. Dio took your hand and pulled you, your breast collided with his lean chest as his other hand pressed softly at the small of your back to hold you against him "From today on, my lady, you are allowed to touch me.". He left you with the same amount of money as last time.

The extra funds allowed afforded you soap and moisturizer, and in another cheap but classy dress you felt like you might just have been glowing. The next bar you went to with Dio seemed to be a more expensive venue, but the clientele seemed just as questionable as usual. It was about this time that you had started to somehow know what moves people would make quite a few turns before they would make them. He pulled you close, just like last time, but this time his lips met yours. Soft. So soft that you nearly didn't notice the coins in your hand. "From today on, my lady, you are allowed to kiss me." That was your first kiss.

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