Bruno X Reader (Birds of Passione)

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No one remembers what didn't happen; and that is who you are.

Your parents were constantly angry, even though they tried their best to hide it. Alone and bored at home, as you usually were, you went through the bookshelf. It was then that you found it. A plain book without a title, your mother's diary, right out in the open. You didn't need to look much further than a few pages to decide that the rift between your parents was all your fault. Clarity, your Clarity, rewinds people- and she was exactly what you needed to make everyone happy. All you had to do was to not have happened in the first place.

Leaving your parents 13 years younger, you'd begun to call the streets of Naples your home. Everywhere you went, you left small voids behind. Unexplained memory lapses in the people that met you. Misdiagnosed Amnesia, until you walked right into the arms of Passione.

After they came into contact with you, a quiet and mysterious girl, they saw through your ambiguity... and you ran. For a couple years they retraced you over and over by following the blanks, sending you constant invitations. Erasing yourself from the messenger did nothing to silence your blip on their radar. Living a life on the run in alleys for a couple years had you tired and if they wanted you so badly, they might as well have you. So you left the latest, very confused, lackey with your acceptance letter.

[To whom it may concern,

Your tenacity is incredulous, but admirable. On the terms that I'll be provided with a modest residence, am not assigned to a group, and that I can erase myself from whomever you have me work with when my jobs are complete- you may make use of my innate talents. If these terms are acceptable, meet me at Cafe Lilac and I'll bend the knee to your organization. Find me there Saturdays at noon.

Almost yours,


As a sign of your good will, lavender tea and a slice of their strawberry cake would be nice.]

A mafia felt like something that you should be proper with, so you took full use of the vocabulary you gained from spending all those days reading alone at home. Somehow, you couldn't help but ask to be treated for your compliance in addition to your terms. Was it such a sin to want someone to buy you something for once? The girl that ran the shop there was so sweet, and her confections so high quality, that making her forget about 'lost' sweets tainted the experience and you hadn't gone back since.

As for your terms... You were convinced that the people you associated with would be miserable. If you only worked with people for a little while, they wouldn't lose so much. Running your fingers over the worn edges of the diary, you had resolved yourself to never cause someone so much pain ever again- even if you could take it away. Because even if it no longer happened, didn't it happen?


I'll be ready when you need me and you know where to find me.

Decidedly yours,


As you sat in the corner, immersed in the floral ambiance of the cafe, it was exactly noon when he walked in. Although he seemed to be about your age, he stood tall and his appearance was quite neat. A unique black and white suit with a sleek black bob. His upper crust mannerisms screamed out that he was important and filled you with the fear over what you were about to do.

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