Rohan x Reader (When You Fall Asleep)

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You didn't like playing with the other children. Selfish, greedy and mean. They only ever wanted what was yours. It started with food; You didn't want to share, so they started to call you names. When the name calling didn't work, "Boooring." they ignored you.

The playground swing was your favorite. It felt somewhat like flying, the sound of wind past your ears, a smooth serenade for your soul until one day someone shoved you off it. You didn't usually get to play on the swing really, it was constantly taken by the others, but when you did get to play on it usually someone would convince a teacher you'd been hogging it after only a few minutes. Never had you considered they'd get violent though.

Looking down at your body, limp against the wood chips, the confusion was replaced by rage. You reached for the boy that was enjoying the swing he had stolen from you and as you grasped at him, he too fell limp to the floor. One by one, you pushed away the people that approached "Don't touch me.". When a teacher came across the situation there were already at least 10 others that were passed out on the floor.

A few hours later, you'd woken up after being carried home in your father's arms. From that day on you weren't allowed outside. The other children all went into a coma for a couple weeks, and he was both terrified it could happen to you... but also if you were the cause of the strange event. After all, you told your father that they went to sleep "Because they scared me.".

That wasn't the only big change to your life though. When you fell asleep, you'd separate from your body. It wasn't long before you could tell that no one could see or hear you, but that suited you just fine. No one was gonna be mean to you this way. You might have been home schooled, but you still checked out the campus and libraries. Left to your own devices, you became a sinkhole for information to combat your ever growing boredom.

By the time you were 13, you'd had objective notes and sketches about everyone your age. When you turned 17, you'd already turned the lives of your favorite 'research materials' into your own personal manga. With a gentle knock on your door, your father brought you a small cake and letter on top of a package. You moved aside to let him in and he set everything down on your desk.

Even if he was really quiet, your father loved you dearly. If ever you had any doubts, they would fade each year as you watched him write your birthday card. A waste bin full of all the different things he could have said. He would probably never know that you'd watched him. Opening the letter in front of him, with a nod and a smile you went in for a hug. This year, he wanted to give you the option of selling your artwork to his publisher friend in S city.

By the time you were 21, you regularly faxed things away for your informal job. In the time you gained when you finished your high school curriculum, you re-made your manga and started to send them in one chapter at a time along with complete art commissions. You'd filled your room with novels and manga, which served as reference materials to give yourself ideas on situations to put your characters into.

A letter came in from one of your peers when you were barely 22, passed on to you by your publisher. The author of Pink Dark Boy was moving to Morioh and was interested in getting some insider information on the town. He left his address-to-be and his intended move in date. There were a few months until then. You hadn't really had any social relationships but you thought it would be fun to compile a guide to the town you'd been haunting your entire life... That, and you respected his work. His characters were dynamic enough to be real.

You'd plucked up a fresh hardback sketchbook from your shelf and detailed out a map. You sorted things by color and numbered them. You started with stores. Art supplies, where you could get quality stuff and which stores sold things that were relatively junk. The supermarkets in the area and the differences between them. You detailed all the stores you'd visited and listed the employees.

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