Jotaro & Kakyoin X Reader (Y/N in Wonderland)

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A/N: How far down the rabbit hole will you allow me to take you? 

I sure hope you continue to stay along for the ride.

Thank you for reading, reacting, requesting, reaching out, voting, bookmarking, following and joking. Thank you for the wholesome atmosphere. Together you have encouraged me to be ever more bold as a writer- So, I hope you will continue to take part in our Bizarre Adventures and maybe some of my more original tales that have yet to be released.

This is for those of you that don't want to choose between Jotaro and Kakyoin; those of you that would be fine with a wholesome threesome and those of you that have waited patiently for me to finally release a new chapter! Enjoy.

You're an anxious one. You hate crowds, you hate attention, and have an uncanny perception for malice.

For that very reason, you couldn't help but shrink away when two intense looks kept being directed towards you this year at school. Until now, everyone was content to leave the shy girl alone but, how come! Geez. The sharp turquoise gaze of the scary school idol that seemed to skewer you from a distance, followed by jealous glares of the maidens crowding him. There was nothing to do but escape right? Even so, even so! You were always caught by the same eerie violet as you rushed away, unmistakable curiosity as whoever it was watched intently.

It took everything just to keep yourself from staying home; How did you catch the attention of such troublesome men?

You started to stay after class to clean up. There really would be no other way to return undetected after all- you just had to leave the school when everyone else should already be at home. But gradually you couldn't do without it, an empty classroom became like a safe haven for you as you wiped down the desks. Being helpful while flying under the radar definitely made you feel best.

Today was different though, after puffing out your chest in pride as usual for a job well done... "Hey Y/n." Mr. Purple's curious eyes were waiting for you when you opened the door to the classroom. Fully expecting solitude, you could feel the blood drain from your face and your heart skipping a beat from being completely entrapped in unwarranted attention. He was so close! Breaking into a sprint, with your sight slightly blurred by liquid terror, you raced down the hall only to find Mr. Blue, tall and intimidating blocking your path. You wanted nothing more than to jump into a hole and hide, you wanted safety, so when exactly that presented itself- you didn't hesitate.

A large black hole appeared out of nowhere and, though one would usually be highly suspicious, the only thing you felt was the need to vault yourself into it. Pomf. You landed lightly onto your own bed with nothing but confusion. You weren't complaining in the slightest, but there was something wrong about that right? There was no way that a random hole led directly to your bedroom was there? Feeling slightly unsatisfied, you laid there until your heart settled.

You couldn't skip school after all... could you? Damn it. Bracing yourself for the worst, you were highly anxious, but relief set in when nothing happened. No one approached you during class, no one waiting outside the door for you. Naturally you were in a pleasant mood, skipping and humming even, until again you were called out to. "Y/N." it was a deep voice this time and immediately your cheerful demeanor slipped- but before you could run, you were caught.

There was a strange feeling of being pulled from the top of your head as you were hoisted up. "No! What? Huh? Let go!" You struggled and panicked in the air, tears spilling over as he responded in a matter-of-fact manner "You'll run.". Of course you were going to run "No, no! I won't run, just put me down!", you vied for your freedom "Jeez Jotaro, you're too rough. This much is enough isn't it?" and something wrapped firmly around your wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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