Jotaro x Reader (The Sun)

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A/N: Beautiful mermaid art, courtesy of @miruwuu . Thank you Miiru! UwU.

All your life, the ocean was all you knew. There were dangerous things and beautiful things and you could go any which way you wanted but as you grew up, you wanted more. You didn't know anyone like you, or at least you didn't remember them, and although you couldn't quite understand it- you were lonely. You'd taken to gazing up at the stars and watching the sunrise as it calmed the unpleasant emotions even if they felt like the only things that were out of your reach. Your journey started  in the direction of the sun every morning after you finished watching it slide above the horizon. One day, you were going to be right there with it and bathe in the glow that had provided your heart with warmth.

As the water grew more and more shallow, you grew concerned. If the water ran out in the direction you had been going, how would you move forward? Despite your qanderings you kept at it and eventually found what you worried about, but it was different than you had thought. There was life up there and creatures that both looked like you, but not quite. They also went into the water, but they mostly stayed up where there was no water and their lower bodies seemed to accommodate for movement up there.

Sometimes there were a lot of them, and they made noises to each other. It was different from the sounds that you were used to, some of them sounded beautiful but other noises caused you to cringe and duck back underwater. Most of the time though, the shoreline was devoid of life letting you test how it felt where there wasn't any water. The rays of the sun were warmer, but it was harder to breathe. The gills along your ribs didn't work without water and you had been unaccustomed to using your nose and mouth.

One day, someone lost some of their strange coverings and you decided that it would be fun to wear. You'd examined them from afar enough to know how to put it on. It was quite curious and made you feel like you'd fit in more among the crowd, but you were still far too sheepish to approach. You watched them and tried to copy their sounds on the days that the beach was full and you bathed in the sunlight when the coast was empty.

As per was usual you were going to swim up the bank and pull yourself onto the sand, but there was someone there today. This one wore long white coverings and walked the coast alone, picking up and looking over bits of what the ocean had left out to dry. This one was quiet. Was it because this one was alone? You watched from far out, concealed by the waves, and it was a long time before the beach was yours alone again. The dry bits of the ocean were carried away in a small container.

Again, the next day, that one was there. Gathering the dry things. Why collect the dry things? Do they not have these dry things further out? You decided to gather some pretty ones from deep in the ocean. Maybe this one would be happy if you did. The day had been spent collecting shells and you had even snapped off a nice piece of bright red coral. You hoped that one would be back again tomorrow, it wasn't so scary if it was just the one.

Early in the morning, you hoisted yourself up onto the beach and you shivered. It was cold when the sun hadn't been out for long. The land was like you in a way then, it needed the sun to fill it with warmth. You laid out the collection from the other day, big shells of varying shapes, sizes and colors lay in a pile on the sand. Holding one up to the light, it looked like it was glowing from the inside and the sight put a bright smile on your face. You hadn't seen anything like this, how wonderful.

After retreating down into the warm depths for a while you peaked above the surface of the water to see that one come back just like you'd hoped, walking onto the sand, gathering dry bits from along the coast until coming across the pile. Curiously going through the pile and then looking around before sitting down next to it. A long while passed but this one only moved to look around. Was this one searching for you? Was it not clear that this was a gift?

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