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OMG i have 3k reads on this i never thought this story would have any reads i remember when i had like 20 reads and i was surprised by that many reads i love yall and i will keep writing if that's what yall want <3


I wake up with the sunlight pounding on my eyes and I open them and see that the blinds are open I get very confused because Daryl isn't there either I get up and throw some shorts on and I walk to the bathroom to make sure he's not in there I open it and he isn't so I leave and close the door I twist the handle and open it and walked out once I walked out the smell of food hit my nose I smiled and walked downstairs and I see Merle, not Daryl cooking food god where is Daryl I think "good morning sweetheart" Merle said I smile and say "morning' do you know where Daryl is" and walk over to the stool and sit down "yea he's out making a run" he said

 I went from a smile to a frown "what's wrong sweetheart" he said I looked up "he doesn't love me anymore" I said sadly "of coarse he does" Merle said and I looked up at him "who wouldn't love you" he said I looked down again "but Daryl's different he's changed he's way tougher now and he barley shows his affection to me" I say and look up at Merle continuing to make food he scoffs and says "the reason he's so tough is because he isn't going to lose you again he isn't letting his guard down so that anyone else can take you and with that he doesn't really know how to ever since he was a little kid he never knew how to get a girl or make anyone love him" he said 

and I looked up at him and said "thank you" and looked away "so what's the special event that you need to cook breakfast for" I said and laughed small "felt like making some for you" he said i smiled and got up to hug him i hugged him and said "thank you" and sat down " eat up" merle said as he slid a plate off pancakes over to me i smiled and ate with merle as we talked about everything "so whats up with you and adrianne" i said he scoffed and said "you fall in love with the wrong people" i sighed and nodded "its the apocylipse its hard to stay alive hell to find someone its hard" i said he laughed and said "pretty easy for you" i rolled my eyes and said " me and daryl are different we protect each other and we just some how to feel in love in the mix" i said and scoffed and got up to wash my plate " well hows that different" he said annoyed "it just is ok" i said louder

 and the front door opened it was Daryl he looked at us and went upstairs and i followed and when i walked in he looked mad "what's wrong" i said sitting down next to him "I had to kill him " he stuttered i got scared "who Daryl who did you kill" i said "he hurt you" he said i got closer "who did you kill" i said louder "Shane" he said my mouth fell open "why" i said sadder i liked Shane he was getting better "he hurt you and when i first meet you i said nobody will ever hurt you not even yourself," he said i grabbed his hand and said "thank you" trying to make him feel better "no one will ever hurt you ever again" he said demanding i smiled and kissed him "my little savior" i said

 and he said "you lost the bet by the way" i gasped "you remember that" i said shocked "i remember everything" i smiled and we got up "i need to get out of her i hate being always inside the walls you think we could go for a run" i said and he smiled "of course' he said "i love you " i said quietly and hugged him "I love you too" he said low but caring i smile as i kiss him and he kisses back i pull away and get "does anyone know" i said "only you" he said

 while getting up "well lets go ask rick if we can go for a run" i said and we walked out the door merle wasnt there so we didnt say anything we walked out and walked to ricks house and asked if we could talk and he said yes and we walked in and sat at his diner table and he sat down right after "what is it" rick asked "before we say anything were sorry" i said and looked down "what is it" rick said worried "i killed shane" daryl said lowley but firmly rick sighed and looked down i gave him a mintue to think till i said "i-it was because of what shane did to me he didnt want him to be alive because of him hurting me" while holding him hands in my hands and smile and he looked up and i got up to hug him "im sorry im so sorry" i said and kissed him head and he cried a little till he said "its okay he was wrong for doing that to you and actions have consiquinces" i thought about that quote hes right actions do have consenquinces and he did a bad thing even though i loved shane he did do mne wrong i sigh and back away "me and daryl need to blow some steam off so were gonna go for a run down to the drug story" i said and daryl got up  

we walked out of ricks house and headed to the amoury  to get guns  when we walked no one was in there so we just grabbed some guns and signed them out we walked out and walked up to the gate and we hopped on daryls bikle and eugene opened the gate and we rode out i waved to everyone that was outside and they waved back then i wrapped my arms around daryl "you know how to ride why do you do that" daryl said and i leaned my head into his back "because i like you" i said like a middle schooler that was tel;ling there crush they liked them "and you keep me safe" i say and smile innto his back he didnt say anything just kept silent and i liked it when it was silent we both were to loners who found each other and some how feel in love we alwyas felt coimfertable around each other we loved each other and we would die for each other i smile into daryls back at my thoughts "why you smilen" daryl said "nothing" i said and he said "come on tell me " i gave in and said "i was thinking about you" i said i could ell he smiled back and he said "what were you thinking about" i pulled my head up and the sun hit my eyes and it hurt i covered my eyes and slid my body up on daryl almost grinding on him i laughed and said " i was thinking about how we were both loners and were alone and didnt like people and we feel for each other the exact same day we meet"i put my head on his shoulder and looked over his shoulder "things happen" he said as we pulled up to the store

daryl hide his bike in case anyone thout we were in there i grabbed my gun and daryl grabbed his he banged the door to the store and we heard growls maybe three or four daryl grabbed the door knob and looked at me and nooded and he quitely counted "1...2...3...4" and he bustted the door open and i shot one waler in the head and another and daryl did to daryl was banging to make sure there werent any more we didnt hear anymore so we walked in and looked around for more zombies there were no more daryl goes in my direction

 and then i accidentaly fall and daryl falls on top of me but catches himself with his arms we are face to face and i look in his eyes full of passion and he looks right back into mine and then he crashes his lips on to mine and we kiss harder and my yes shut into the kiss and he fixs himslef so now hes balenced and he moves down to my neck its like he knows exactilly where my sweet spot is i moan a little and he likes it and continues and he grabbs my waist and he moves his hand down to my pants and puts his hyand in there and it went lower till it reached my sensitve spot and starts rubbing it i moan lightly and he keeps going till he takes his hand out and i move to take my pants off and he grabbs my arms and puts them over my head "did i say you could move" he said and i smiled and he took my pants off and he went lower and did trhings to me that i cant even explain how good they felt he then removes his pants and centers with me and he pumps in to me a couple times " oh fuck daryl" i said kinda loud he put his hand over my mouth and i realized that meant to be quite i shut up but was still moaning till we both came and we breathed hard to catch our breath and we but our clothes on and i smiled and kissed him and said "that was great" and i made myself look better and so did daryl

 till we heard someone open the door and say "where are you....." 

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