Chapter 22: Confessions

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The rest of their car ride back to Ben's house consisted of Ben making small gestures towards Rey, trying to show her that he would never do such a thing to her. Rey had assured him that she believed him and that she was just being silly and thinking recklessly, but Ben didn't care, he wanted her to feel special.

So when they had parked the car, Ben told her to wait and hopped out the car, then heading his way to open the door for her, like the gentleman he is. Rey smiled and shook her head, giggling lightly to herself.

He held her hand and together they went inside his house.


Poe had been fumbling with his fork all dinner, barely touching his food. His dad didn't even notice, but his mother, being the loving person and mom she is, noticed.

"Honey what's wrong?" She asked as Poe looked up quickly, shaking his head. "Nothing I'm fine".

His mother's face frowned, "You've barely touched your food"

"I'm not hungry" Poe simply stated, looking around nervously, almost as if waiting for everything to end in a blink of an eye.

His mother squinted her eyes, observing him suspiciously. "How was school?"  She asked, taking a bite from her food awaiting his answer.

The answer was short. "Fine"

"How are you friends? Are they nice to you? Do they bully you" His mother pressed making him anxious.

He dropped his fork, the noise startling his younger sister, thinking he could lose his cool even if he wasn't like at all like that. "Mom I'm fine, my friends are fine but would you please leave me alone goddamit!" 

His mom stared at him, hurt flared through her eyes. She dismissed it quickly, immediately going back to her food.


It was no other than THE Han Solo opening the door for them, he faked a stumble leaning on Leia Organa, Leia looking at him an annoyed look on her face. 

"I can't believe my eyes! Leia the lovebirds have decided to dine at our fine lounge tonight on this fascinating Christmas Eve! We have been honored!" Han exclaimed, dramatically resting a hand on his forehead. 

This just earned an eye roll and grumble from Ben as he had his hand wrapped around Rey's hand, "Hi dad, hi mom Rey's going to stay for dinner" He spoke, sarcasm dripping from his tone he used to greet his parents.

Rey blushed, offering Ben's parents a small wave. "Hi Mr. Solo, hi Mrs. Organa". 

Han sighed, crossing his arms rubbing his temples. "Kid how many times do I have to tell you to call us by our names. We don't mind"

Rey giggled, "Ok Han..Leia".

Leia smiled softly, gesturing to the dining table which was fully decorated. "Rey please take a seat"

Ben scoffed, placing a hand on top of his heart. "What about me..mother?"

Leia groaned, "Do you two honestly have to be so dramatic during holidays?".

"Of course we do! He's following his father's footsteps"  Han stated.

"Well, there isn't much to follow" Leia mumbled.

Han gasped, "I heard that!"

Both Ben and Rey laughed, Ben helping Rey into her seat before sitting down himself.

"Thanks" She smiled brightly, he grinned back at her, leaning in to kiss her cheek. 

She opened her mouth to say something before Leia let out a huge gasp, rushing into the kitchen. 

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