✞ nineteen ✞

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"Ew, what in the fuckery are you eating?" Nikki scowls in disgust as she watches me eat my breakfast.

I tell her with a frown, still thinking about Rocco's safety "Baked eggs in an avocado."

Nikki cringes "I don't know how you Mormons do it. Eating hella gross shit all the time."

I reply, later realizing how bitter I've become "Guess we're not as picky as you."

Nikki analyzed my face in silence before I turn to her with a heavy sigh and say "Sorry. I've just been... having a rough week."

She nods "Yeah, I know," she sits on my countertop and continues "That's why I wanted to hang out with you more. Become closer, you know?"

I nod, eating a piece of my avocado.

Nikki fluffs my hair and then asks "It's about Rocco isn't it?"

I twist up my lip in embarrassment, then I give in "Well... it's more of a me problem but my dismay is prematurely about him."

"So yes?"

I just blink at her and then attend back to my avocado with baked eggs with sad eyes. Nikki smirks slowly, as if she took that as a yes.

Not understanding the extent of my sadness, Nikki fluffs my hair and says cheerfully "Come on, cheer up! You'll have plenty of time to mope about Rocco later," she hops of my counter and her eyes widen as if she thought of the best plan in the world. Nikki gasps, grabbing me excitedly by my oversized white T-shirt (which is actually Rocco's bed wear attire) "Let's go to prom together!"

I inform her "My school doesn't have prom."

Still smiling, Nikki replies "Yeah I bet. I meant my school, STOOPID!"

I make a reluctant facial expression, making agitated noises "I don't know, Nikki..."

"Please? You need it. You've been moping all week."

Little does Nikki know, I always mope. There's always something to mope about, since I have an excruciating case of depression and anxiety.

I tell her "I don't like parties."

"We'll have fun."

"What about McKay? You should go with him."

Nikki looks disgusted "Um, we broke up a loooonnngg ass time ago, boo."

I frown "Oh," and then throw out my plate of baked eggs in an avocado.

Nikki follows me to the garbage can desperately and pleads "Pretty please? Let's par-tay!"

"I'm sure they're many guys lined up to go to prom with you, Nikki."

Nikki admits "There are. But, it would be more fun to go with you."

I scoff with a small chuckle "Yeah right. When people hear the word fun, they immediately think of Soren Christensen."

Nikki ignores my negative talk about myself and says, holding me in place by my shoulders and says in a breathless and narrator like voice, making me smile a bit "Think about it Soren. You and me going solo. How awesome would that be?"

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