Human Immunodeficiency Virus

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As my father beat me with a spoon for the fourth time this week, I couldn't help but think about what had happened today.
When I dropped my books of hentai in the hall and Jacob was there I just couldn't help but think. Did I liek him?

Ugh I'm too quirky for him.
I thought maybe I should confide to Cole about the bruises. I decided to take a quick shower and dried myself off. I studied my bruises and thought how funny they were since one was shaped liek a dick.I hopped into bed and watched Riverdale before drifting off to sleep.

I was in the halls of school when I decided I had needs that needed to be met.

So me and Cole fickle fracked in the school bathroom. After I got hungry and went to Starbucks.
Had I made the right choice of doing the do with Cole?

God I'm so quirky.
I had been doodling in my notebook when Jacob had walked in. I bit my lip as I saw him.
Maybe I do have feelings with him?
Ugh no we can never be together we're too different and I'm with Cole.
He took a seat next to me and I almost shat my pants. He turned and uttered the words " yo you got a pencil?"
Omg that was so hot
I took out a pencil and right as I handed it to him our hands touched and we stared at each for 2.8 seconds his brown orbs bore into my blue ones.

I hurried through the school to rush to the house. If I didn't have my dads vodka and spaghettiOs ready I would get a spoon to the arm.

It was a week after these events when I began to feel weird. I went down the street to the old retired witch doctor lady that lived there. As she greeted me with her peacock and llama I told her my problems. And that's when I found out what was wrong with me.

I was HIV positive.

Dang it cole

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