Chapter Three: Friday Morning Sucks Worse Than Klaus

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JORDAN SLEEPILY opened his eyes and slammed the alarm clock off. He rubbed his nose and rolled out of bed. As he grabbed his clothes (a black tank top with a green flannel and black skinny jeans, his favorite), he vaguely tried to remember what had happened last night. A bunch of his pajamas where missing, and he knew something had happened. It was big, and had kept him up all night and caused a storm. A bad storm.

He shrugged and stepped into the hall, going to the bathroom.

He opened the door and screamed when the knife whizzed past his cheek, neatly cutting off a curl.

"What the fucking fuck?!" He shrieked, stumbling backwards and dropping his clothes. Ron's door creaked open and there stood a sleepy Asian kid in his clothes.

"Oh, sorry," the boy in the bathroom said. "I thought you where Luther."

"Holy fuck." Jordan gaped at Diego.

"What?" Ben said from his spot in the doorway. "Why is there a knife?"

"I thought Jordan was Luther," Diego said, eyes on Jordan. He was concerned the boy was going into shock; the posters in Ron's room and the attic hadn't gone unnoticed. Maybe he was getting star struck now?

"Oh, okay." Ben said, and then he went back to bed.

Jordan continued to stare at Diego—who was freshly showered and wearing only a towel, but Jordan didn't care much about that—and started to hyperventilate.

"Jordan? You good?" Diego said, brows furrowed. Hesitantly, he reached out and tapped the boys shoulder.

"Oh fuck, the Umbrella Academy is in my house," Jordan said. "Oh fuck fuck fuckity fuck duck fuck!"

"Fuck duck?" Diego made a face. "What?"

"Oh my God!" Jordan yelled; Allison (Number Three! Number Three!!! his mind yelled) came downstairs, hair wild.

"What's with all the commotion?"

"Jordan's freaking out," Diego said, peering over Jordan's shoulder.

"Aw, shit," Allison frowned.

"Oh-my-fucking-God," Jordan said. In the bathroom, the toilet started to gurgle. Outside, the trees started to sway.

Diego looked behind him, confused.

"Holy shit," Jordan said, breath coming in short bursts; the world started to spin.

"Jordan, calm down," Allison said, walking forwards; the nightgown swished around her legs. "You can't freak out on us. It's Friday, and you've got school."

"Ben was fucking dead! You time-traveled! Five slept on my couch!" Jordan said, stumbling backwards. Diego leaned closer to the toilet, head cocked; it sounded like the water was fucking boiling.

"Allison, do your thing," Diego said. "You can do it now, right? I mean, you've been talking just fine."

"What does that mean?" Jordan said, eyes wild. Diego paled. He adjusted the towel around his waist.

"Uh, we'll tell you later?"

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"I heard a rumor," Allison said suddenly; Jordan felt woozy.

"I heard a rumor that you relaxed."

Jordan took a deep breath. Why had he been so scared? Good fuck, he'd almost had a panic attack in front of The Rumor and The Kraken. Imagine how embarrassing that would've been!

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