Chapter Twenty-Six: Superheros Are Idiots Sometimes (AKA What Happened...

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Superheros Are Idiots Sometimes (AKA What Happened While Jordie Was at School)

[jordans house–monday morning]

ALLISON WOKE up early. Luther wasn't sleeping next to her; he had slept on the other side of the room. Vanya had been given Ron's room once again, but the rest had stayed in the attic.

Allison was becoming strangely attached to this house.

Yawning, she sat up and pulled her curls into a ponytail. Blinking sleepily, she got to her feet and looked around, taking a mental inventory of her siblings.

Ben was asleep, but Klaus was gone; so where Five and Diego. Luther was cuddled up with a pillow, and Vanya was downstairs. So far, only three missing.

Allison shrugged and grabbed her blazer, wrapping it around her as she went to the second floor. Checking in on Vanya and Jordan (because he'd become part of her mental inventory sometime during the span of being here), she deemed them safe and continued on her way to the kitchen.

"What the hell?" She said. Klaus looked up, eyes wide.

"I had no part in this," Five muttered, sipping tea and grimacing. They still hadn't gotten any coffee; Jordan had told them he'd go shopping Tuesday instead.

"Uh–pfft–how?" Allison spluttered. Klaus shrugged.

The kitchen was destroyed. The walls had batter all over them, the counter looked like it had been melted, and the toaster held two pieces of black bagels.

"Klaus wanted to cook," Diego said, like that explained it. Allison gaped.

"What? Clean it up!"

"Yeah, Diego! Clean it up!" Klaus said, shoving Diego gently towards the bagels. Diego rolled his eyes, but he tossed the bagels in the trash.

"Done." He sat down next to Five and started drinking his own tea.

"Klaus. Clean up."

Klaus sighed but got a dishrag, scrubbing at the walls. Allison could feel her nerves jumping—Jordan would wake up soon, and he'd see the mess they'd made and he would be so much more fucking stressed. They'd already caused him so much trouble already; he couldn't be allowed to see this.

"I'm gonna make Jordan lunch," Allison said; all three of the boys gave her confused looks. "To keep him out of the kitchen."

"Hey, did you know that his bus is gonna show up in like thirty minutes?" Klaus said this with a grin. "I'll go wake him up!"

Before Allison could protest—Diego could wake him up, Five, anyone else—Klaus was gone, shouting "JORDIE" at the top of his lungs.

Allison, Five, and Diego stared at the ceiling; then, an ungodly scream arose, followed by a thumping.

"I'll hurry up and make him that lunch," Allison mumbles. Five scoffed and Diego laughed. She picked up the rag left behind and there it at them; it hit Diego square in the face.  He yelled and fell off his chair.

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