Chapter Five: Vanya is Upset (Understatement of the Year)

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"GUYS? IS everything okay?" Jordan yanked the door open and left it open, dropping his bag without a care.

From upstairs: a scream.

"Guys?" Jordan could feel the apprehension in his throat, and outside, a tree branch snapped. Inside, the toilets started to bubble.

He raced upstairs, taking the stairs two at a time. Another crash.

In the distance, thunder rumbled. Inside, the pipes started to shake.

"Guys!" Jordan finally (it had taken him what seemed like years) reached the stairs. His first thought, upon seeing the scene, was FUCK.

His second was SHE'S ALIVE

His third was I'M GOING TO DIE

Yelling wordlessly, he leapt to the side. The girl—Vanya—was awake, her eyes white. Why the hell where they white?

"Vanya!" Five, who was bleeding above his left eye, staggered to his feet. "Vanya, stop!"

Vanya said nothing, only pushed her bangs out of her eyes and extended her hand like a sword. A flash of light blinded Jordan, and then he was thrown against the wall.

"Vanya?" Allison came sprinting down the stairs from the attic, Luther behind her. "Vanya!"

"Allison?" Vanya froze.

"Vanya," Allison said, smiling. "Vanya."

Without warning, a knife hurtled through the air, skimming through Vanya's hair.

She screamed and then did the light thing again. Jordan yelled as he fell to the ground; in the downstairs bathroom, the toilet overflooded.

Vanya was angry, and Allison reached out—to talk to her, to grab her, who knew—but Vanya wasn't having it. Within seconds, Allison had been knocked out, blood dripping into her curls. Luther ran over to her, fury and fear etched onto his features.

"Allison?" He said, his voice trembling. His hands went to her neck, little butterfly touches, as if he was checking for a wound.

Whirling, Jordan caught sight of Diego. Diego was groaning on the floor, holding his head.

"Vanya, please!" Five crawled to his feet. "If you calm down, we can explain! If you—"

"No! I won't!" Vanya shrieked. "Where is my violin?!"

"Violin? The hell does she need a violin for?" Jordan shouted, asking everyone.

From behind him, Diego groaned, "Sound waves. She controls sound,"

Jordan nodded. He didn't quite know what that had to do with this, but it was a fun tidbit.

"Where is it? Where?" Vanya screamed. Tears where leaking out of her eyes, but she seemed unaware. Or she didn't care.

"We don't know!" Luther said, still at Allison's side. She seemed woozy, but fine.

"You know! You always know!" She yelled. In her palms, the light was gathering. Outside, a bolt of lightening cracked; downstairs, the shower turned on, water spreading into the tub. "You all knew!"

"Vanya, please!" Jordan shouted, fear lacing his words. "You're destroying my house!"

Vanya was momentarily confused at him; Luther took this opportunity to lunge for her. He brought his fists down on her head, and she collapsed.

All of them—Jordan, Luther, Fuve, Allison, and Diego—stared, breathing heavily, at Vanya. Her eyes where closed, and Horfan could see the sweat glistening on her forehead.

"Oh, fuck," Klaus laughed. They all looked up, and there he was—wearing one of Ron's old skirts. "Did she wake up?"

Luther spluttered. "Yes!"

"Well, you sure handled that swell!" Klaus said, waving his hands wildly.

"Klaus," Ben scowled from behind his brother.

"Ben," He mocked. Carefully, he adjusted the skirt.

"Okay, okay," Jordan held up his hands. He suddenly realized that the strange feeling in the bottom of his stomach was because the toilet had flooded. And probably the shower too. "Someone, to stop the toilet."

"What? What's wrong with the toilet?" Five said, his voice tight. He wiped blood from his eye, wincing.

"It...flooded," said Jordan, wishing he had a concrete answer.

"Flooded? How?" Ben arched an eyebrow. Again, Jordan felt that small pressure on his tongue and chest; to say Oh, it was me. I got panicky and the toilet flooded! Also, that's the reason it's windy as fuck! But then it was gone.

"It does that sometimes," he shrugged. "I'm gonna get her some Tylenol or Advil or something. We should probably—"

Outside; a car engine.

"Fuck." Jordan paled. "Mom."

"Your mom's home?" Klaus said, eyes widening in surprise. Already, Jordan was dragging Canya towards the attic steps.

"Yeah! Now someone carry her upstairs! Straighten up the hall! Did you clean up from breakfast?"

Luther nods, running forwards and scooping up his sidter. He disappeared upstairs, footsteps thumping. Allison followed.

Diego was stumbling around, trying to straighten up the hallway; Five, Ben, and Klaus where assisting.

Car doors slammed.

"Hurry!" hissed Jordan.

Klaus righted a table, Five slammed a vase down on it, and Ben lightly dropped the flowers in it. Jordan eyes the water puddle from the vase.

"Go!" He ushered them upstairs, pushing Diego.

"But the wa—"

"I'll take care of it, now go!"

The door swung open; the attic door slammed shut.

Jordan whirled, lifted his hand, and reached. The water swirled into a thin, floating stream, and then floated hazily into the vase. The droplets let out small thuds as they hit the bottom.

"Jordan!" Ron yelled from downstairs. "Jordan, I'm home!"


Sorry I'm trash at writing action lol

Hope you enjoyed the chapter though! Have a wonderful day

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