Chapter Thirty-Seven: Five Is Kinda Stupid

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[jordans house–tuesday afternoon]

THE KITCHEN was terrible. But the sight of his sister laying on the ground, bleeding out while two of his brothers fought tooth and nail to keep others back made Five's heart constrict and his pulse hum in his ears. He flexed his fingers, and moved forwards, ready to kill some sons of a bitche—

"Five!" Billie's hand shot out and grabbed his shoulder, her smile stained the red of her irises. He didn't want to think about it. "How lovely of you to join us!"

"Leave me alone," Five snarled. She tossed her silver locks and smirked.

"I can't, Five, because I want my girlfriend back."

Billie whipped out a dull knife. Five gasped and kicked her legs—she always had weak knees—and she spluttered as she fell. Park appeared like a strike of lightning, their palm reaching out and hitting Five's nose.

His eyes welled with tears and he grasped his nose, trying to focus on the duo rising up to murder him. He had to get rid of them and get to Vanya. He had to.

"You never once thought about your actions," Billie snapped as she used Park to pull herself to her feet. "You commanded us around like–like slaves, expected us to do orders and never argue! We loved you, Five, and this is how you repay us?" Billie was angry; her eyes flashed like blood-red rubies and her silver hair was becoming streaked through with pink. She wasn't trying to change her appearance. She was just pissed.

"I'm sorry," Five said, kicking a man in the stomach. "I never meant to hurt you."

"LIAR!" Billie screamed, and then she lunged for him, fingers outstretched like claws.

Five turned on his heel and raced to his siblings, grabbing Ben and dashing away; Diego almost stabbed him for stealing their sister. Five concentrated and there appeared the blue flash he loved, and then there where his siblings and Jordan, who appeared to be passed out.

His heart pounded heavily, thudding through his chest and reverberating through his entire body, but he pushed aside his concern for Jordie and went back to the kitchen.

"Face me like the man you think you are!" Billie yelled. She was hysterical. "Come on, Five, you bitch!"

He ignored her and let Ben go into the portal.

"Get Vanya!" Ben yelled, but Five didn't hear him. It didn't matter anyway; that was the only thing he could think about.

Billie was screaming, searching wildly for him. Her eyes where the color of blood, violent and burning like the fires of hell. Park was calmer, but they where obviously ready to gut Five.

"There!" Park yelled. Five darted under the table and crawled closer to Diego, who was clearly tiring. He had to move fast.

Five was close, so close; he could smell the thick scent of blood, of sweat and tears. Diego cried out as one stabbed him, a second hitting him over the head with their gun. Five's heart constricted as Diego rolled away, blood matting his hair and running down his arm.

Vanya was there, face pale and sweaty, breathing heavily.

"Vanya, Vanya, hey, Vanya," Five muttered, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. She groaned in pain, clenching her jaw. "Shit, shit, sorry, I'm sorry," Five said.

"Fine," said Vanya quietly, her eyes closed. Gives fingers where slippery from the blood, and his jeans where coated in it. He closed his eyes and prospered to jump—he was drained, exhausted, but he had to make it work. He had too.

"No you don't!" Billie shouted, grabbing a handful of his hair and yanking him back. Five shrieked and dropped Vanya, falling on his back.

"You think you can just leave?" Billie laughed. "Like you did before? No. You can't. We have to take you back to the Commission. And your brothers and sister and your stupid little boyfriend, we'll find them too."

She dragged him backwards by his hair, Five struggling forwards and trying his damnedest to not cry. Park was there, watching quietly as everyone crowded around Diego and beat him up; they didn't bother using guns or weapons. They had him surrounded, and they kicked him like he was a stray dog.

Five turned around and bit Billie's wrist. Hard.

She yelled wordlessly and yanked her hand away, blood rising to the surface. Five wiped what he could off his face, but the taste was strong on his tongue.

"You bitch!"

Five ran, the world spinning, and skidded across the floor to Vanya. He grabbed her and twisted the world around to open a doorway into his bedroom. He dropped his sister on the bed, everyone crowding around her, and swayed.

He looked around. Had he gotten everyone? Surely he had.


His eyes closed.

"Five? Five, where's Diego?"

Fives eyes flew open. Shit. "I'll–"

Five fell down, head hitting the nightstand, and passed out.

*le gasp*
oh no diegoooo
i hope you enjoyed this (pretty short/shit) chapter!! i'm so excited to start part two of rainy days!!!!
[side note; if i was to, say, write a stranger things au that's wayyyy better than season 3 with harringrove/elmax/byler and some super fun oc's, would you guys be interested in reading that?]

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