We're just friends, right?

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Bertholdt's pv

It's been a few months since I met (y/n). Our presentation was a success, and we've been spending some time together since she hangs out with me and Reiner often. We have lunch together, go to the movies, and things like that. She's such a precious friend to me.


I was interrupted when Reiner showed up holding some paper.

- Look Bertholdt! We have to go.

He slammed on the table what apeared to be an advertisement flyer for a music festival.

- There will be live concerts, extreme sports, camping... this is your chance!

I looked at him, confused.

- We'll have two weeks off from classes, right... - he continued - let's invite (y/n).

- Wait wait... you're going too fast. I'm don't think I follow -

- No, you're the one's who's going too slow. I can tell you're into (y/n). Everyone can see that. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to confess.

- C-confess.?

I felt my cheeks burning up.

- We're just friends...

- Then if we're all friends it's all good for us to go anyway. I'll invite more people too so it's more fun. But just think about what I said and if the time is right, try not to miss it.

On that moment, (y/n) showed up and Reiner quickly started to convince her to go.

She was particularly beautiful today.

Everytime she smiled, my heart melted. Hearing her laugh would fill my heart with joy, and everytime she looked at me it would be like nothing else mattered.

I liked every little thing about her.

I wanted to be with her. Allways.

Were these the kind of thoughts a friend would have?

While I looked back at the moments we spent together, on how she makes me feel, I started to think that maybe... maybe there was a chance... he was right.

Growing feelings  - (Bertholdt x Reader) College AUWhere stories live. Discover now