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josh woke up to warmth, more then just a blanket. an arm wrapped around him and a head in his neck. he opened his eyes slowly and looked behind him. he was met with a boy with messy brunette hair and cute button nose. he felt his heart warm up, he felt happy looking george. he turned over slowly, trying hard not to wake the boy up. but did. george groaned and rubbed his eyes. "well good morning sleepyhead" josh giggled. "morning." george said as he yawned. "your bed heads cute" josh smiled, sitting up. "thanks" george smiled and rolled out of bed. josh followed. "hey can i borrow a hoodie?" josh said turning to george. george stretched and grabbed one from his closet. "here ya go, you can give it back when i see you again" george said putting a shirt on and walking out of his room. josh was left in the room alone and looked around, his memory was hazy from anything that happened the night prior and all he could remember was the kiss. he looked in a mirror george had hung on his wall. hickeys has covered his neck, and he was glad we got a hoodie. "josh you gonna come out?" george popped his head in the room. "yeah yeah, sorry" josh said turned around and looking at george more clearly, he was covered at well, but a bit more. josh walked out with george and the flat was quiet. "alex texted me and told me he went to james and fraser's, so it's gonna be us for a bit" george said sitting on the sofa. "oh okay" josh said sitting next to him. "do you remember anything from last night?" josh said next, looking at george. "not really, i was gonna ask you but i didn't wanna seem weird." george said looking back. they stared at each other in silence for a minute. they didn't know what to do, and they couldn't remember anything. the silence was cut after a minute or two "i have to go, i'll see you tomorrow okay?" josh said grabbing his things and slipping on his shoes. "oh okay. lo- stay safe" george stopped himself from saying that he loved josh, he didn't know why, but he did. josh left, and george was sat alone in the flat


george ended up falling asleep, but was abruptly woken up by alex unlocking the door, with james and fraser behind him. "oh hey, you're up early." alex said smiling as we walked in the door, james and fraser following. "be quiet next time cunt" james said sitting on a chair they had sitting against their bar. "what?" george said looking over at james. "oh nothing, just didn't know you could be so loud" alex said before james could get to it. "i mean their not wrong" fraser said shrugging, setting his arms on the bar. "i hate all of you" george covered his face with his arms and laid back into the sofa. "so where's josh?" james questioned. "oh he left" george said uncovering his face and siting up again. "do you know why? or did he just have to go?" fraser questioned. "he just said he had to go, now can we drop it?" george said in a bit of a demanding tone. the boys looked at each other then back at george. "uh yeah sure, sorry we nitpicked" alex said. george didn't know why he felt so angry, but there was something inside of him telling him whatever happened with josh, wasn't gonna be true.


josh: hey sorry, didn't mean to leave like that this morning, i remembered i had to do some stuff when i got back and i was already late.

josh: george, leaving me on read won't do anything..

josh : george..you're worrying me

george: i'm fine josh,

josh: don't seem to "fine"

george: im fine josh, drop it

josh: i'm not gonna drop is george, can't a friend be concerned?

josh: george come on, is it something i did?

josh: okay..i'll drop it. just please..please text me back when you can.


josh was tense, he didn't know if he had done something wrong, and he'd hope he didn't. he didn't wanna lose george again like he did only a few weeks prior and he couldn't have fucked up so quickly again. he didn't wanna bother george by blowing up his phone, but also wanted to at the same time. he felt loved for once when he was with george, not so alone, and empty. he decided to text george one more time, before giving up.


josh: george, i love you, please stay safe.

george: i love you too josh.

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