Chapter 1-Start of a New Life

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Katniss POV.

I wake up startled because of a nightmare, shaking, Peeta wakes up and starts to calm me down.

"Shhh Katniss it's okay, it was just a nightmare, it's not real. I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you."

Still shaking, I nod slowly. "O-okay, please don't ever leave me, no one else can make me feel as secure as you when it comes to nightmares."

He smiles and kisses me, " I would never leave you, now try and sleep, I'll be here, I'll keep an arm around you."

"Thanks Peeta, you're the best," I smile and lay my head on his chest and slowly fall asleep.

-morning time-

Katniss POV.

This time when I wake up it is actually morning. I look around and then beside me. I notice Peeta isn't there next to me where he usually is, "Peeta?" I say as I stand up. I slowly walk downstairs, there Peeta is making breakfast.

"Good morning Girl on Fire," Peeta says as I walk into the kitchen.

"How did you know I was there?" I say half laughing. "Are you magical?"

He replies laughing, "I heard you calling for me when you were upstairs, I made pancakes for breakfast."

"You didn't have to make anything, you work awfully hard around here, I can do some work." I say as I set the table.

"I don't need my pregnant wife getting hurt because she did something to strenuous." He says sweetly

I blush slightly. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm weaker than I was before." I laugh and playfully push him.

We sit and eat breakfast. After we clean up we decide to go for a walk.

"I hope our children will never have to go through what we did, it was horrible." I say as I put a hand on my baby bump.

"I agree 100%, I don't want them to suffer what we had to." He agrees.

We get back home and as we walk in I already hear Haymitch inside.

"Haymitch?" I say kind of loudly as I walk in.

"Hey sweetheart, why haven't you told me you are having a baby?" He says while walking to me.

"I couldn't find you anywhere! I even went to your house!" I reply.

"It's fine well I'm here now. Hello Peeta." He says smiling.

Haymitch walks out. "I just wanted to know if you were really going to have a baby."

Peeta and I answer in unison, "okay bye Haymitch!"

We end up staying home around the house for the rest of the day.

-night time-

"Peeta, remember we have to go for my ultrasound tomorrow." I say as I yawn.

"Yes I remember." He says as he carries me upstairs and he lays me on the bed.

"Goodnight Peeta." I say as I kiss him.

"Goodnight Katniss." He replies after kissing me.

I fall asleep in his arms listening to his calm breathing and heart beat. He falls asleep short after.

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