As expected, we got another call from a worried mother about 4 kids at the skatepark selling and doing illegal drugs. Hank groaned as he got up from his desk. He cracked his back and grabbed his rain coat off the back of his chair. "Leeets go Connor" he said. I could tell he was annoyed since we have to go back to interrogate these guys, a week after we first interrogated them. Deep down, I was quite excited to get to see Matthew again. I almost forgot what he looked like. Good thing I have him saved into my memory circuit so I won't.

The ride there was silent, except for the seconds of Hank complaining about traffic. We pulled the car up to the skatepark to see the 4 boys all doing tricks and drinking out of bottles with paper bags, covering the outside of the bottle. "Who the hell skateboards when it's raining?!" Hank grumbled as we walked up to the kids. "Hey!" He yelled. Andrew skidded and stopped on his bored, looking up at us. "OoOh shit, it's robo cop and granny. What's wrong this time? Ya' lost?" He said, making all his friends laugh. "Yo Matt! Your boyfriend is back!" some kid laughed. I scanned him. Tyler Rodríguez; 15. "OoOoh shit, what's up baby? How you been?" Matthew said, opening his arms to hug me. Hank stopped him, "we've received complaints that some kids at this skatepark were doing and selling drugs again. Would you happen to know who?" Hank asked sarcastically.

"No idea, but I'll keep a look out for y'all" Matt laughed, skating away. "What's in the bottles?" Hank asked. "Juice!" Kyle yelled, making his friends laugh. There were two empty bottle with a paper bag around them by the benches. Hank grabbed one a gave it to me. I poured a drop onto my fingers and tasted it.


Contents: Alcohol

"It's alcohol" I said. "Aw maaAn. Why you gotta snitch robo cop?" Andrew groaned. "We're going to bring you kids down to the station, into a holding cell, and calling all of your parents" Hank said, cuffing Kyle and Andrew. I cuffed Tyler and Matt. Matt stood on his tippy toes and whispered in my ear, "We should do this again, but in your bedroom instead". My heart rate picked up and he started laughing when he noticed my face flushing blue and my LED Whirling red. They all walked and got into the back seat of the car as Hank threw all their boards into the trunk. "Y'all are gunna' have to squeeze" Hank said, staring the car. Matt sat behind my seat and whispered every minute things that would make my heart rate pick up.

                  "You have no idea how much I've been thinking about you since I last saw you" he whispered. "The crazy thoughts and dreams I had of you and I" he whispered seductively. "Yo Matt, stop tryna' fuck robo cop" Andrew said. We pulled the car up to the front of the station. The boys hopped out and we brought them into the station. We sat them into a holding cell. "Alright, imma' need all of your parents numbers and your addresses" Hank said. "It's a $300 fine to be caught drinking in public and being underage is an extra $300" Hank said, over the phone with a parents.

All the boys sat in the cell, uncuffed, looking down at the floor, and talking to each other. Matt took his beanie off which showed his beautiful, bright blonde, curly locks of hair. His hair went to his eyebrows and his plump pink lips were formed into a line. Hank and I waited the whole day. Kyle went home first. His mom pulling him by his ear back to the car. Tyler next. His dad showed up in a suit and tried giving Hank his business card, which he declined. Then it was Andrew. His mom wanted him to be driven home by Hank. "Figure what's up with the kid and just bring him home" Hank said, handing me the keys to the undercover cop car. I nodded and he left with Andrew.

I unlocked the holding cell to find Matthew fast asleep. His head dipped back in the chair, arms crossed, light snoring. I shook him lightly awake. He opened his eyes and looked around. "How long have I been here for?" He groggily said, rubbing his eyes awake. "5 hours; 38 minutes; 17 seconds" I said. He laughed and shrugged, looking up at me with his dark blue eyes. "Do you know where you live?" I asked, staring into his eyes. "I don't want to go home" he said, lowering his head.

                 "Well... you cant just stay here. Why don't you want to go home?" I asked. Now that I'm this close to him I can see the bruises on his face and around his neck. He looked like he was about to cry. "I'm going to say something stupid and that could get me fired and maybe even terminated but..." I started. He smirked and looked up at me again. "Do you want to stay at my place?" 

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