(16) A Fight In The Locker Room

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After school on the first day back from Christmas break Bucky was at basketball practice. Dallas was also at basketball practice the girls were waiting for the boys to get done. Bucky had already decided that he wasn't going to let Dallas get away from hurting Makayla. They were in the locker room when Bucky heard "Have a nice time in Aspen with my girl."

Bucky balled up his fist and punched him "She's not your girl anymore."

"She is my girl. You think a piece of paper is going to keep me from her. I go to the same school." Dallas said as he punched him back. Bucky tackled him and punched him two more times and Dallas got in a few more punches as they wrestled in the floor.

"You ever lay a fucking hand on her again it will be the last fucking time you do." Bucky said with tears running down his face.Brady and Ace pulled him off and said "James get it together."

"You fucking asshole." Dallas said as he got up and Brady stood in front of his little brother. "Go ahead Taylor hit my little brother one more fucking time. It's about time some one put you in your fucking god damn place. Makayla is Ace's and Mitchell's baby sister and technically mine." as he punched him so hard he fell back wards. Mitchell walked over to him and kicked him in the ribs and Ace looked at him then stepped on his junk. "You fucked up Dallas my sister has the pictures of her abuse she's smart."

"AHH!!" Dallas screamed.

"BOYS!!!" Coach Brown came in.

Ace and the boys walked out.

"Bucky what did you do? What happened in the locker room?" Makayla said as she his bloody nose and black eye and busted lip.

"I wasn't going to let him get away with hurting you. Besides he still called you his girl." Bucky said

"Let's get you home.. all of you home." She said as they all got in Ace and Brady's car. They got home she found his ice pack and put it to his eye and he winced a little. "Buck..you never get in a fight I expect this out of my brothers but not you." she whispered

"He hurt you and I know you said you fought back but he needed to be put in his place I didn't know that your brothers and my brother were going to join in." he said "I love you Makayla Joanne and I will always fight for you." 

She stood up on her tip toes and kissed his lips he cupped her cheek as they started open mouth kisses. He picked her up as he carried her down to the basement into his room without breaking the kiss. He slammed his door behind him and locked it they started to strip down he laid her down on his bed and pushed into her and started to move in and out of her. "OH god baby oh fuck yeah." he whispered

"Oh god James.. mmm oh god don't you fucking stop." she whispered

Bucky felt her orgasm building as she began to clench. "OH fuck...oh you are so fucking tiny..come for me baby." he whispered.

"James.. oh god James..oh god I love you." she whispered as he kissed her neck and sucked leaving bite marks everywhere he could. Then he got faster and faster with each thrust she was coming undone. They were all over his bed cause anytime he started to get close to his release he would stop and then start back up cause he wasn't ready to be done. He finally let his release go and he coated her walls. "oh Makayla oh god mmm oh god I love you." he whispered as he pumped into her with his forehead against hers.

She looked up at him and kissed him. "Mmm baby mmm" he moaned as they started to make out again and he was ready to go again five minutes later. Ace and Brady came downstairs to play video games and heard them.

"Well..that escalated quickly." Brady said

"Oh god let's go to my house I can't take this "Ace said as he heard his little sister yell out James.

Around 8 that night their parents came home after a long day at the hospital for Elizabeth and Winnie and a long court session for James and Jordan. "James Buchanan. Brady Joshua." James said when he came in the door.

Brady came into the kitchen and said "Yeah."

"So it's true where's your little brother." James said as he saw Brady's black eye.

"Um I think he's still in his room." Brady said.

"Ace Begley Baker!! Mitchell Dylan Makayla Joanne." Jordan said as he came in.

Ace and Mitchell came into the Barnes' kitchen. "Where's your little sister?' he said

"She was downstairs with Bucky" Ace said

"You boys stay here. Winnie Elizabeth don't let them leave." James said

"What did they do." Elizabeth said

"The boys got into a fight in the locker room with Dallas.." James said as they walked downstairs to the basement. They walked into Bucky's room to find them asleep naked Bucky spooning her and James shook his head. "James son.. we need you two to get up and come upstairs."

Bucky rubbed his eye and said "Mm why dad.."

"Cause the school called and told me about the fight. Now let's go." he said

"You too Makayla let's go." Jordan said as they left room. She found her panties and he gave her a t shirt to slip on he slipped his boxers on as well as a pair of ball shorts and a t shirt. They headed upstairs.

Bucky walked into the room and Winnie gasped. "What?" Bucky said

"Baby your eye is almost swollen shut." Winnie said as she walked over to him.

"I'm fine mom.. I iced it some when I got home." he said

"So judging by the look of your little brother I'm assuming that it was you that started the fight." James said

"Dad I wasn't going to sit back and let him get away with hurting her. Besides if you ask them he was the one that walked up to me and asked me if I had a fun time with "His girl"" Bucky said

"Is he telling the truth" Jordan said

Ace said "He is.. Bucky punched him for that and told him to stay away from her that she wasn't his girl anymore. Dallas said a piece paper wasn't going to keep him from Makayla. Bucky tackled him and punched him two more times as he told him that it would be the last time if he ever laid another hand on Makayla they started to fight and punch in the floor till me and Brady pulled him. He went for Bucky but Brady stood in the way then they exchanged punches one knocked him down so Mitchell kicked him in the ribs. I stepped on his junk till he screamed that's when coach came out."

"Well I understand that you all were just defending your little sister but you can't go around starting fights. When he said that to you James you should of just walked away. " Jordan said

Bucky looked down and said "I'm sorry."

"I know you love her and you were just defending her James I"m not mad but this has costed you all to be suspended for the rest of the season that includes practice. " Jordan said

The garage door was open as well the garage door from the house to the garage. All of the sudden they heard "Oh Makayla where are you darlin.. come on you thought having your big brothers beat me up was going to keep me away. You belong to me"

"Get her downstairs now." James said

Bucky was already half way to the door when James said it. Bucky and her locked themselves in his room and he barracuded them in. He held her in his bed "Shh baby it's alright I'm right here.." as she cried.

Jordan called the police on him and he was arrested for violating a restraining order. Jordan knocked on Bucky's door. "Makayla baby send me all of your pictures I'm going to the station."

Bucky got her phone and sent the whole album to her dad's email and her dad went down to the station and pressed charges. Makayla stayed with Bucky and they went back to sleep.

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