(11) More Therapy

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Makayla was in her room playing her guitar while everyone was watching movies. Brady called James and Winnie to let them know that the doctor wants everyone to come in that he wanted to talk to them all including Makayla. Elizabeth came upstairs "Makayla honey get dressed we are all going to the hospital the therapist wants to talk to all of us."

"Okay mom." Makayla said

She got up and brushed out her hair and fixed her make up. She put her boots and sweater on then headed downstairs. They all loaded up in the cars and headed to the hospital. They all walked into the waiting room where Brady was.

Dr Johnson walked in and said "Wow.. this is the whole family."

Brady started laughing and said "Well this is the Bakers and the Barnes. And the rest of the family are at their cabins."

"Okay.. " Dr Johnson looked around and then eyes landed on Makayla.

"Makayla?" he said

"That's me" she said

"Well you definitely look alot different then the picture he showed me yesterday." he said

She swallowed hard and looked down. "Makayla last night he had another night terror" Dr Johnson said

"Okay.." she said

"He was screaming for you again. I want you to come with me but first. How is he before football games? Is he nervous or is he hyped up?' Dr Johnson said

"Sometimes he's hyped up like if it's a game that he's excited for. Most of the time he's nervous he's more nervous on Varsity game nights" Mitchell said

"You must be Mitchell her twin brother." Dr Johnson

"Yes sir." Mitchell said

"So why is he more nervous on Varsity game." Dr Johnson said

"He is 2nd string QB. We are only sophomores and he's been 2nd string QB since we were freshmen." he said

"Okay.. has he had any brushes with death or have you Makayla? Not counting your recent cheer competition." Dr Johnson said

"No.." Makayla said with a confused look on her face.

The nurse came in and said "He's awake doctor."

"Thank you." he said to the nurse

"Makayla come with me honey." Dr Johnson said

"Okay." she said

She followed him to Bucky's room they walked in. "Dr Johnson do I get to go home?' Bucky said then he saw Makayla.

"Makayla.." Bucky said

Dr Johnson shut the door "Hey Buck." she said in a low tone.

"I've heard alot about you Makayla.. he speaks very fondly of you.' Dr Johnson said as he gives her a chair.

She looked down "But what I want to talk to you about. His night terrors are about you dying. He yells that you can't leave me." Dr Johnson said

She swallowed hard.

"Have you two experienced something together that has caused him to be scared that you are going to leave?' Dr Johnson said  "Wait before you answer that." Dr Johnson said as he stepped out then came back in with a heart monitor "I want to see if what causes his anxiety is going to cause you problems." as he put the heart monitor on her finger.

"Now you can answer the question." Dr Johnson said as he fixed everything.

She looked down and closed her eyes. "Makayla.. it's okay." Bucky whispered

She shook her head no. "What happened to you two?' Dr Johnson said

Bucky looked down "We got lost when we were 8. We were at Disney world with our parents and siblings. We were holding hands and we got separated from our family. So we found our way to the front of the park and stayed on the bench till our parents found us. I never let go of her hand and she never let go of mine. She and I made a promise that we wouldn't leave each other."

"Okay well you had two had each other what was so scary about that day." Dr Johnson said

Makayla's heart rate started to rise as well as Bucky. "It was almost dark." she whispered

"What do you mean it was almost dark." Dr Johnson said

"It was almost dark before they found us. Makayla is afraid of the dark and she started to get really scared and cried the whole time. " Bucky said

"Okay.. well that certainly explains why you don't want her to leave. But that doesn't explain why he is dreaming about you dying. Has anything else happened to you two?' Dr Johnson said

"No." she whispered

"Okay well let's talk about something else. James your brother said you have game nights where you are nervous. What makes you nervous about games?' Dr Johnson said

"Game days no matter how long I have played is very scary. I have had a few concussions and broken ribs. And when I play basketball or baseball I'm just as nervous but football games are even scarier cause I know that behind me she's cheering and being thrown around in the air doing flips and kicks." he said as he started to get worked up.

"Okay James.. relax. " Dr Johnson said

"Okay.. now let's talk about this. You two play guitars and sing together have you two ever done like a talent show or a festival show" Dr Johnson said

They both shook their heads no as both their heart rates when up. "For you I'm surprised. Your brother said you love being center of attention." Dr Johnson said

"I'm not that confident in myself to let people see that side of me." Bucky said

"And you Makayla. You are a cheerleader and a dancer on the dance team." he said

She looked down "I'm not one for being center of attention."

Dr Johnson said "Okay well we are gonna take this off. " as he took of the heart monitor and EKG that was on Bucky. "I'm gonna go get your family so we can discuss your diagnosis." Dr Johnson said

Everyone came into the room. "So here's the deal I'm diagnosing him with anxiety and I'm going to prescribe him some medicine to help him. Cause he did have another panic attack in his sleep last night." Dr Johnson said

Winnie said "But what triggered his nightmares."

"That's something that he can discuss with you once he goes home later." Dr Johnson said

"Okay. So he's okay." James said

"He's fine.. just a little anxiety." Dr Johnson said as he hands them the script for his medicine.

The nurse came in with his discharge papers Dr Johnson signed them. "You are free to go Mr Barnes." Dr Johnson said

"Thank you." Bucky said

Makayla went upstairs to her room Bucky followed her upstairs and found her laying in her bed. He laid down in his bed and said "Makayla..my dreams were about you dying. The one here where I woke up everyone was because I had a dream that your eating disorder and diet pill addiction killed you. "

She wiped tears "The one at your sleep study."

"I had a dream that Dallas beat you so bad that he killed you." he said

She looked down ""Bucky Dallas wasn't hurting me."

"You can deny it all you want Makayla but I know you. You aren't a klutz you are a ballerina a gymnast and a cheerleader and dancer. " he said

She wiped tears and covered up to take a nap. Bucky got up and went to play basketball with her brothers and his brother Brady.

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