Hanging out his point of view

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It was 11 and drolsoir received a text from emily. " I have to sadly work today but I get out at six so we can meet up when I get out.  I'll even bring food. " " oh ok that works and I understand so I'll see you at six. " "see you then. " he puts his phone away and looks back at his next victims house.  " she should be leaving to go to work by now. " he thinks to himself while staring to get inpatient. " normally this stupid woman is leaving about now what the fuck this is getting real boring real fast. I bet Em's not this slow at getting ready man she is so beautiful. " a half hour  goes by before a women around late teens early twenties finally comes out of her house and heads off to work. Drolsoior follows from the distance  all awhile thinking about emily. " I hope emily is having a good day at work. I can't wate to see her I haven't been able to keep her off my mind ever since I meet her. I have this warm sensation deep within me it's my inner fire.  It burst alive just thinking about her and talking to her last night made it  go wild.  I felt like I had to be there by her even for awhile.  I remember grandfather mentioning a feeling like this when he met gram's. I wonder is emily my true mate. I can't tell right now for I have just met her. " he gets lost in his thoughts while watching his victim. At three o clock he got a text from emily. " hey I'm on my break and I'm wondering senses I'm bringing food what should I bring to eat?" " bring anything you wish em anything coming from you well taste amazing. " " ok that sounds good to me I can't wate to see you after I get out of work. " same hear. " " so what are you doing if you don't mind me asking?" " not at all I'm hunting down my next victim. " " oh I see well let me know how it goes. " " I will see you tonight. " " see you tonight I got to go. " " kk my em. " he puts his phone away to go back to his victim. "I can't believe it she can't wate to see me and she wanted to know what kind of food that I would want. I wonder how she feels about being called my em.  My beautiful em. "

Time skip
It's six and drolsoir gets a text from emily and that she got out of work and that she is stopping at home to change and get some food. He wakes for what seemed like forever when he finally sees emily coming with a picnic basket with food. He jumps up with excitement and waves and smiles. " em it's so wonderful to see you I have been waiting all day to see you. " " I have been waiting to see you to all day. " she says this with a smile on her face and his inner fire starts to burn. " You have a beautiful smile. " " thanks you do to so are you hungry." " yes I am let's set down and eat. " he looks into the baskets and his eyes widen just a bit.  " wow you brought so much food and wine. " " I know but I thought that we would both be hungry after work.  So how was your hunting?" " it went well I'm going to follow her for a bit longer before I kill her. " " oh so you just need to find her habits so making your move to kill her will be a lot easier. " " yup and me killing people don't bother you. " " nope I grow up in hell and I was taught how to torture and kill in school. " " oh I see so you grow up in hells dome which is for all the special high ranking demon's and there family's to live?" " yes I did all I can say for now is that I'm a vary special demon who is really important. " oh have you been to the under realm?" " yes I have many times and I have visited the other realms to. " "oh well I can't say much about the other realms but sense you have been to the under realm we should go together sometime. " " sure I would love that now let's eat I'm hungry. " " ok so what kind of food did you bring?" " I made us BLT sandwiches homemade cookies and strawberries. " he watches her pull out all the food cups plates and ect.  Em made there plates while he poured the wine.  All while pouring the wine his inner fire started to burn just a little more. They eat and chat for awhile and having a wonderful time.  Drolsoir was loving the time he was having with em. It starts to get late and he gets a little worried that he is keeping her out so late.  " do you have to work tomorrow it's getting late?" " No it's the weekend and I dont work on saturday or Sunday. " " oh so are free to hang out with me the next two days?" " yes I am. " " when we get ready to leave do you mind that I walk you home?" " No that's no problem at all thank you. " " your welcome em. " around 2:30 they get up and from there spot and he walks her home.

Time skip
" hey thanks for walking me home drolsoir I had a blast talking to you and having dinner with you. " " I also had a wonderful time with you. " she gave him a hug and lingers for a moment looking him in the eyes then she pulled away told him good night and that she will text him when she gets up. She goes inside  and he then turns and walks away to head home. On the way home he is thinking about the time that he had with emily. " I wish that I kissed her I want to kiss her so bad.  Holding her that close felt so wonderful I didn't want to let her go. She looked like she wanted to give me a kiss. " about an hour of walking and one portal later he was home he went inside went up to his room and got ready for bed then he went to bed.  Thinking about emily until he fell asleep.

Emily the strange x drolsoir spiritWhere stories live. Discover now