smoking bowls and slashing fools

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its been a hole years ever sence this whole crazzy advencher started. emily and drolsoir love how much time that they spent together to them it feels like its been longer. emily getting so much of her memory back helps out a lot . she has been taking him to the vile realm every now and again to rember there past as a couple. today how ever they desided to take a nice little breack from all of that and to just enjoy eatchothers compiny. they decided to spend there day in there room doing nothing but watch the tv that they had in there talk and smoke weed . " you know em i cant belive that we have been together for a year now." said drolsoir as he was reaching out to get the bowl." i know right but now it feels like forever like time hasnt changed with us just the world around us." said emily as she grabed the bowl back. "you know we have been doing a lot of dicovery about you but yet we haven't been on a kill so you can remember those parts of you yet." " now that i think about it your right hun. i think that you need to help me find my frist victom so that i can get that part of me reactive. " " i wonder if that son of yours can help us find someone who can be your frist kill. " " we could do that or we could pop into the manchion and see if slandly has anything ." " that's not such a bad idea but i can just give him a text. " " good point why dont you do that while i go ash this out and pack another. " with that emily got up and whent to go ash and repack another bowl while drolsoir sent slander a text. * hey slander its been awhile so im gonna get right to the point my recarnated wife annaathinea is going though a lot if you didn't know already . so we want to know do you have someone that she can make as her frist kill so she can reactive her inner killer/worrior if you know what i mean.* *yes i've heard all about her and i do rember her as well i do in fact have someone in mind ill send masky with the case file at once. oh and this person and i must get ride off its a top proritly file but i know that she can handle it. im sure you rember what kind of files im talking about. * drolsior shutters before giving slandy a responce.* oh i see well thanks for this ill be shure to get the file finished and reported back to you as soon as possible. * * i know you will masky should be there at anymoment if you need anything let me know.* *i will thanks bye.* *bye* as soon as he finnishes his text a loud nock at the door is heard. emily just finishing packing a bowl gose to answer . on the other side of the door was masky holding a case file . " her you go miss annaathinea once case file to get you started on your kill jurney. oh hey drolsior how are you?" " im fine thanks again for the file so is there anything inpeticure that we kneed to know on this case?" " nope all the info that you kneed is in the file happy killing you guys ." with that he waved opened a portal walked though and disiperd . emily closed the door and walked over to the bed with the file and bowl in hand . " so lets see what kind of top prority we are dealing with hear." said drolsior as he opened up the file . he read out loaud every detaile to emily. # name : airxip foolheart #decripshion : shortish femal with medium brown hair ,brown eyes, light pale skin super advige looks almost like a human potato in total. # spechies : human # location berlin #reasons why this person needs to die 1 wants to become a demon even trying to pervoke the goddes to do so ,2 belives that she has a husband and child when she is bearry even oldenough to be an adult. ( shes not pretty at all that bullshit is all in her brain) 3 belives that she has made conntact and ocs of real demons .(only the goddess can make demons of any kind real and on a wime.) 4 shes a fan girl , 5 tried to become part of the goddesses family even though thats not ever going to happen unless sheour goddesses her self chosesse to and they must be accepted by her family. the list can go on and on . with that that summed up the report on emilys frist target. " oh whell that explanes why ive gotten thouse headacks and that orb has been going nuts. i mean i just found that part of myself out only a few mounths ago and that awaking was veary painfull." "so i take it you want to go to the observitory and get a better veiw on this case huh." "yup so lets grab the pack roch holder and lets go bowl to." " ok so your just going to make a portal to get us there right." "well yea how eles are we going to get there?" " good point ok lets go."emily opens up a portal that leads to the observitory and they head on though. they walk in and head to the human world floor. once they got to the floor they walked over the the realm orb locater and they typed in the info that they needed. as soon as they did a roll of orbs started to glow a light orange clolor . " whell that was easy shall we do this thing ." said emily as she started to walk over to the role of glow. drolsior followed right behind her. when they got to her role of orbs they start to watch they saw everything that was menchend that her file and more . her looks where spot on . " oh my zalgo this human thinks that shes atracktive i mean look at her . why whould anyone in there right mind whant anything to do with such an ugly creatcher as her. " " she might be ugly but hey there is got to be some other ugly human out there that will be desprit enough to want her. " he siverd and made a descusted look witch made emily giggle. " hey we are hear to study her so that i can find the best way to kill her . not to talk about how ugly she is. " your right so far we know that she has a few accounts on things like youtube so we know that she dose human things like that." " ok thats good but we are not ben so thats no good she likes to right storys and draw to but still stuff like that dont help. what will help are her daly habbits where she gose and stuff." emily points out as she grabs a orb of the shelf so she can get a better look. "it looks like its the midd afternoon in this one because shes at her school going to go do something lets watch this whole one shall we ." they use there magic to pull up a couple of chairs that where near by. as they sat and watched they smoked there weed. they saw the orb change the victom was in chirleading outfit. " so this ugly thing is accurtly has friends and dose things like this. wow im surprized at that ." " i know right but hey this is something . im going to make note of this so when we start to fllow her before i kill her we can make a plan so the right moment can happen . i want my frist kill to be remmberble ." " that is importnt so whats next." " well we put this one back and keep looking. " so she gets up and puts that one back . she then gose and grabs another one father down the line. " hey lookly at this one she's getting bullyied by them girls that she was cherleading with . they cut her hair . " " oh so they did. that made her cut herself and wish that she was dead. " "yea and while bleeding shes on her phone texting someone ." " oh she is i wonder why she is useing and oc to talk to someone ." "mabey she got some one to role play with her ." " this isn't the only orb that shows this. " " oh i see whell this gose on for awhile and she dosent seem to fully get that somethings in that kind of thing is a lie while some is the truth. whitch one it is only the person she is talking to will know." " yes indeed my love she crys for awhile in a few of these one like she lost someone ." emily turn up the orb volume and they learn that the girls mother died and she has to go into a child home." "oh how sad this human is well i guss she might even welcome me taking away her life. it seems like no one will even miss this human. " they put those orbs back and go farther down the line of orbs . emily stops at an orb where her little victom cut herself yet again but this time her real life cuts where beause of a part in her role game that she was doing. ' wow i think this human is realy fucked up in the head i mean pertending to be an oc and cut herself over a real demon child that she knows nothing about can she get any more stupid . i mean this whole thing is fake on the oher end but she dosent know that shes talking with a real demon. one who could easly kill her at anytime and anywhay that they wanted to . ' emily thought as she watched for just a little bit more . " hey lets go check out some of the more resent orbs of her . i think with that we can come up with a good kill plan for you." said drolsior while handing emily one of there joints sents there bowl was no more. they whent to an orb where they found her alseep . her clock read 10:18 pm which would be 22:18 in 24 hour clock time. " well i guss we have all the info that we need so lets go home finnish smoking this and work on my kill plan." said emily hanging him back the joint. " ok then lets go." with that in mid puff emily opened up a portal they steped though and walked back into there room. the portal closed after they both where back in. so now i can use my watch orb and watch her and find the right time to start to breke her down befor i kill her. so they finnished smoking got something to go eat put the file on the little table and whent to bed. in the morning they whent to the study and added in the victoms informacthion and took in delight when they got to watch her go thouhgh out her day to day sad little life. after watching her for about two weeks she made her frist attack she desided to use a portal and make herself undetacktable to see or hear movement wise buy human level of procesing the world around them. she siltly walked up to the human as she sat there on her computer working on one of her storys. she bent down close to her ear in wissperd"why are you even bothering to write thsese people don't acturaly like them . you know that dont you. deep down inside you know that all of your so called followers are only pertending to like all of this . this is nothing but a bunch of bullshit . bullshit made up by an ugly useless human. no one realy loves you . no one cares about you. why would anyone wast there time with a ugly useless wast of human life like yourself. " these words made airxip foolheart jump at frist . then she brock down crying she cryed so hard. " no your wrong people do care they do love me your wrong . where are you show yourself who are you ." she asked though tears. " oh sad little airxip you know that im right. you know that im words are true they are so true the only way to ease your pain is to cut yourself do it end this pain. let my words sink deep into your head . do it cut yourself your ugly useless wast of human life. " as she repeated her words she saw that airxip begain to belive that anaathineas words where true. so after ten meuniuts of repeating her words airxip got up from her floor thats where she moved to while crying. she found her razer blad and made five deep cut marks all up her arm . this made annaathinea happy. " you did will child untill next time you ugly worthless thing you i annaathinea leave you to your healing ." with that she open up a portal and went home she did this for a few mounths . she giggled in delight as she was watching airxip foolheart fall apart . she was brecking her down mentaly and she loved every last momment of it. one night while smoking a blunt with drolsior before bed she came up with the perfet plan on how she wanted to kill airxip foolheart . her frist kill out of what she hoped to be thousands of lives . " so i know how i want to kill her i want to frist make her have a few weeks of endless nightmares of someone parlizing her from behind and cuting her neack and wrist and having her just be put into a setting perssion and bleeding out to death . " " well that seems to be perfect way to do so .' said drolsior with a smile. " so that settles it by the end of this mouth she will be dead. they laughed and finished smoking then whent to bed. the next afternoon whitch will equal to her night she opened a portal to airxip's room and set forth with her magic scepter started the weeks of endless nightmares. though out the following weeks they both enjoyed watching airxip breke down from all the terrior that she was going though. the weeks seemed to go by fast and finnaly the night that emily and drolsior where wating for the night that airxip foolheart's life was going to end. emily with scpter and dagger in heand opend up the portal and walked into her victoms room. airxip was awake and crying she stopped only enough to look up for a breath momment to see annaathinea walk up to her . she then started to whimmper. in a voice shackly and just above a wisper she askes" who are you and why are you doing this to me ?" she asked with eyes filling up with tears . " my name is annaathinea im the goddess that you have been porvoking and talkking to . you are not worthy to join my family or to be alive . you made me so angry that as punishment you will die tonight and there is nothing that you can do about it ." annaathinea said with a smile on her face. before airxip could autter a single word with her septer annaathinea shot a green light out . that light made it so that airxip could no longer move . with a joyful glee annaathinea then took out her dagger and slit airxip's neack wrights and laughed as she watched her bleed to death. after the last breaths of life left airxip foolhearts body emily opend up her portal and went home. she filled out the report and sent it off to slander to get filred . when she got tthe news that her frist kill case was amazing she was so happy. they had a party to cellibrate . she whent though some more painful changes though but she knew that it was worth it.

Emily the strange x drolsoir spiritWhere stories live. Discover now